Help Center (Zendesk) Theme - ucsf-ckm/ucsf-library-ux-and-web-documentation GitHub Wiki

Background: We are using the Flatrock theme from Lotus Themes to provide easier editing and much improved user interface.



  • Scott bought Lotus theme for Zendesk Help Center. It includes settings for basic branding landing page layout along with formatting options like tabs and accordions.

Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2019 2:32 PM To: Drapeau, Scott Subject: Order #LT3221 confirmed

  • saved a copy after applying brand colors and type Flatrock (no code changes)
  • Live copy is Flatrock working copy
  • There is a certain amount of control via settings, but otherwise, we've used Guide admin > Customize design > Customize > Edit code

Custom blocks

Flatrock settings allow us to add a title, icon, and URL to as many "custom blocks" as we want. However, icon choices are not supplied, so we're using:

Categories in accordion

  • Anna implemented based on established architecture
  • all articles will need to be edited and the categories and sections fleshed out

Text Formatting

Avoid pasting from anything other than a plain text editor, otherwise a bunch of code junk is transferred over. This can cause conflicts or other problems.

Video embeds

Videos must be hosted on Vimeo, YouTube, Wistia, JWPlayer, or Brightcove. More...


We can set up a lot of things just using the theme settings, but beyond that involves making some code/template edits.

To Improve Accessibility

Change date and thumbs up/down text from grey to black for increased contrast

Edit style.css

.meta {
  font-size: 14px;
  color: #000000;
.article-vote-count {
  display: block;
  font-size: calc(($font_size_base * 0.75) - 2);
  color: #000000;

Make the submit button visible in the search form on every page. Edit the folowing pages:

  1. article_page.hbs
  2. category_page.hbs
  3. section_page.hbs

from support:

Usually, the following placeholder is used to display the search bar:

{{search instant=true submit=false}}

If you change the submit parameter to "true", the submit button should appear:

{{search instant=true submit=true}}

Then edit the CSS to make everything fit without wrapping

.search-box--small {
  margin-bottom: calc($font_size_base * $line_height_base * 2);

.search-box--small input[type=submit] {
  position: absolute;
    top: 10%;
    left: 80%;

Promoted Articles (popular topics?)

Edit theme file home_page.hbsAdd background to set them apart. Added this code above other related in the CSS file.

.promoted-articles {
  background-color: #F4F4F4;
  margin: 0 0 3% 0;
  padding: 2% 3% 1% 3%;

Also change the wording, since "articles" has a specific meaning here.

<h2 class="promoted-articles__title">{{t 'promoted_articles'}}</h2>

changed to

<h2 class="promoted-articles__title">Popular Topics</h2>

We manually determine what displays on the landing page by checking "promote" on individual articles. popular-promote


  • Flatrock displays Articles in this Section but we also want to show the native Zendesk Related Articles

NOTE, we reversed this decision die to accessibility errors, and removed {{related_articles}} again. Related CSS was left in place in case we change it again.

  • Support: turn them on by adding placeholder {{related_articles}} in article_page.hbs just inside the closing tag for <section class="section-articles">

Adding Related Articles

  • Styles are not the same, so a few fixes are needed

Make Related heading the same as Section heading by adding a line for font-size to CSS file

  	margin-bottom: calc($font_size_base * $line_height_base / 2);
  	font-size: calc($font_size_base * 1.25);

Add some space after Articles in this Section by adding the margin line to CSS file

.section-articles__list {
  padding-left: 0;
  list-style: none;
  margin-bottom: calc($font_size_base * $line_height_base * 2);

To make link styling consistent for the two sections. Comment out a section for Related to match how Section is done

/*.related-articles ul > li a {
  color: $text_color;
  border-bottom: 1px solid var(--hr-border);
  padding-bottom: 1px;

Change wording from articles to topics for UCSF audience clarity

Edit <h3 class="section-articles__title">{{t 'articles_in_section'}}</h3>

to <h3 class="section-articles__title">Topics in this section</h3>

We cannot change Related Articles without a paid support request.

Also change the thumbs up/down at bottom of article:

edit <span class="article-vote-question">{{t 'was_this_article_helpful'}}</span>

to <span class="article-vote-question">Was this topic helpful?</span>

Header: link back to main site

  • Edit this code in header.hbs from
<div class="logo">
                {{#link 'help_center'}}
                  <img src="{{logo_url}}" alt="{{t 'logo'}}">

And change to

<!--{{#link 'help_center'}}-->
<a href="" title="Home">
<img src="{{logo_url}}" alt="{{t 'logo'}}">

Display date last edited

Display when an article was last updated instead of when it was originally created. Edit article_page.hbs

<div class="meta">{{date article.updated_at class='metadata' format='medium'}}

Remove the Follow button, since it doesn't actually alert users when there's an update to the page

comment out in article_page.hbs

<div class="article-meta__col article-meta__col--button">

comment out in section_page.hbs

<div class="section-header__col section-header__col--button">
          <!-- {{subscribe}} -->

Header: hide Submit Request from header bar

Comment out to hide <!--{{link 'new_request' class='btn btn--topbar submit-a-request'}}-->

Submit a Request button


Change text from white to black in CSS file for accessibility in any buttons that appear.

.btn--primary {
  color: #000;

Share article via social media

Remove this from article_page.hbs

<div class="article__share">{{share}}</div>

Search Results

Remove text knowledge_base in file search_results.hbs to prevent subhead Knowledge base from appearing.

<h2 class="h3 search-results-subheading__title">{{t 'knowledge_base'}}</h2>


  • To remove the Community completely, you can either remove the following code for the Community.
  • In case of the search page, do this on search-results.hbs
            {{#if help_center.community_enabled}}
        <section class="column column--sm-6 search-results-column">
          <div class="search-results-subheading">
            <h2 class="h3 search-results-subheading__title">{{t 'community'}}</h2>

          {{#if post_results}}
            <ul class="list-unstyled search-results-list">
              {{#each post_results}}
                <li class="search-result">
                  <h3 class="h5 search-result__title"><a href="{{url}}" class="search-result-link">{{title}}</a></h3>

                  <ol class="breadcrumbs breadcrumbs--search-results">
                    {{#each path_steps}}
                      <li title="{{name}}"><a href="{{url}}">{{name}}</a></li>

                  <p class="search-result__description">
                  <div class="meta search-result__meta">
                    <span class="meta__item">
                      {{#link "user_profile" class="user-profile"}}
                    <span class="meta__item">{{date created_at}}</span>
                    <span class="meta__item">
                      {{t 'comments_count' count=comment_count}}
              {{t 'no_results' query=query}}
              {{#link 'topics'}}
                {{t 'browse_community'}}



  • Eliminate comments from article level by default. By removing this code from ‌article_page.hbs
{{!-- Article Comments --}}

        <section class="comments" id="comments" itemscope itemtype="">
          <div class="comments__header">
            <h3>{{t 'comments'}}</h3>

            <div class="comment-sorter">
              <div class="comment-sorter__col comment-sorter__col--main">
                {{t 'comments_count' count=article.comment_count}}

              {{#if comments}}
              <div class="comment-sorter__col comment-sorter__col--filters">
                <div class="dropdown">
                  <a class="dropdown-toggle btn btn--default">{{t 'sort_by'}}</a>
                  <span class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end" role="menu">
                    {{#each comment_sorters}}
                      <a aria-selected="{{selected}}" href="{{url}}" role="menuitem">{{name}}</a>

          {{#if comments}}
            <ul class="comments__list">
              {{#each comments}}
                <li class="comment" id="{{anchor}}">
                  <div class="comment__inner">
                    <div class="comment__content">

                      <div class="entry-info comment__header">
                        <div class="entry-info__avatar">
                          <div class="avatar {{#if author.agent}}avatar--agent{{/if}}">
                            <img class="user-avatar user-avatar--default" src="{{author.avatar_url}}" alt="Avatar">
                        <div class="entry-info__content">
                          <b class="author">
                            {{#link 'user_profile'}}
                          <div class="meta">
                            {{date created_at}}
                            {{#if editor}}
                              ({{t 'edited'}} {{date edited_at timeago=true}})

                      <div class="comment__body markdown">

                      {{#if pending}}
                        <span class="status-label status-label--pending">{{t 'pending_approval'}}</span>

                      {{#with ticket}}
                        <a href="{{url}}" target="_zendesk_lotus" class="status-label status-label--with-ticket">
                          {{t 'request'}}{{id}}

                    <div class="comment__voting-and-actions">
                      {{#unless official}}
                        <div class="vote vote--comment">
                          {{vote 'up' class='fa fa-angle-up btn vote-control vote-control--up' role='button'}}
                          <div class="vote-sum">
                            {{vote 'sum'}}
                          {{vote 'down' class='fa fa-angle-down btn vote-control vote-control--down' role='button'}}
                      <div class="comment__actions">


          <p class="comments__callout">{{comment_callout}}</p>

          {{#form 'comment' class='comment-form'}}
            <div class="comment-form__avatar">
              <div class="avatar avatar--comment">
                {{user_avatar class='user-avatar user-avatar--default'}}
            <div class="comment-form__body">
              {{textarea 'body' rows='4'}}
            <div class="comment-form__controls">
              {{input type='submit'}}

Footer and lower area

Help Widget

Turning on the widget in the Help Center (via main Zendesk settings) gives users a way to open a ticket from any page

  • if we turn on widget, in CSS file adjust bottom margin for the scroll to top icon from 30 up to 110px to avoid overlap {
    bottom: 110px;

option 1: Hide the Help section submit button

Also remove the Let Us Help You section from the bottom of home page. Competes with the widget. Delete that code from home_page.hbs. It's the last section.

  <section class="footer-submit-ticket">
    <h2 class="footer-submit-ticket__title">Can't find what you're looking
    <h3 class="footer-submit-ticket__subtitle">Let us help you!</h3>
    <p class="footer-submit-ticket__btn">
      {{link 'new_request' class='btn btn--primary'}}

Remove footer block

option 2: Edit the Help section submit button

Edit the above instead to comment out a few lines, and add an h3 link and icon.

<section class="footer-submit-ticket">
    <h2 class="footer-submit-ticket__title">Can't find what you're looking
    <!--<h3 class="footer-submit-ticket__subtitle">Let us help you!</h3><!--
    <p class="footer-submit-ticket__btn">
      <!--{{link 'new_request' class='btn btn--primary'}}-->
 <h3><span style="color: #0071AD;"><i class="far fa-envelope"></i></span>&nbsp;<a href="">Contact Us</a></h3>

Contact Us

Change Submit to Contact at bottom of articles

Comment out what's there and replace:

<!--<div class="article-more-questions">{{request_callout}}</div>-->
      <p>Have more questions? <a href="">Contact Us</a></p>

Edit Submit Request Form

  • Can we edit the form? Support email...
  • Can change the title to Contact Us to match the wording in the floating Help widget
  • Add the title and comment out the automatic one:
<h1>Contact Us</h1>
        <!--<h1 class="new-request-title">{{t 'submit_a_request'}}</h1>-->

Add Contact link to footer? NO


<p>&copy; {{}}</p>

in footer.hbs with

<p>&copy; {{}}  --- <a href="" target="_blank">Contact Us</a></p>
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️