Talks and tutorials - uclatommy/kivy GitHub Wiki
Kivy Video Tutorials
- kivy interactive sandbox by tshirtman
- tutorial by Zogg
- [tutorial(link missing)] by Ernesto Rico
- tutorial by Jorge
- talks given by the Kivy Team
- tutorial by brousch at PyOhio 2013
- Kivy crash course by Alexander Taylor (inclement), a series of youtube video tutorials.
- Building a Math Tutor with kivy By Daniel Gopar, mini kivy series on youtube
- Kivy Application Series by sentdex, mini kivy series on youtube
More Kivy Talks
- Engaging call for help about Kivy in Guido's Keynote by Guido Van Rossum for PyCon US 2014
- An Introduction to Kivy: The KV Language and Common Mistakes by Jacob Kovac for Utah Python August 2013 Meeting. (github of presentation code)
- Developing with Kivy and Python by Andreas Schreiber at DroidCon 2013
- Programming Mobile Apps with Python by Andreas Schreiber for EuroPython 2012
- Our Journey to Kivy by Richard Larkin at PyConZA, 2013
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