Buttons in Settings panel - uclatommy/kivy GitHub Wiki
- author: Thica
- kivy: >= 1.40
Hello all,
I would like to share a short snippet, if you need buttons in the settings dialog to trigger further actions:
- We need to have a new class based on SettingItem
from kivy.uix.settings import SettingItem
class SettingButtons(SettingItem):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(SettingItem, self).__init__(**kwargs)
for aButton in kwargs["buttons"]:
oButton=Button(text=aButton['title'], font_size= '15sp')
oButton.bind (on_release=self.On_ButtonPressed)
def set_value(self, section, key, value):
# set_value normally reads the configparser values and runs on an error
# to do nothing here
def On_ButtonPressed(self,instance):
self.panel.settings.dispatch('on_config_change',self.panel.config, self.section, self.key, instance.ID)
- Register new class to settings widget
Setting = Settings()
Setting.register_type('buttons', SettingButtons)
- Define Buttons in the the json string
{"type": "buttons","title": "$lvar(565)","desc": "$lvar(566)","section": "$var(InterfaceConfigSection)","key": "configchangebuttons","buttons":[{"title":"Add","id":"button_add"},{"title":"Del","id":"button_delete"},{"title":"Rename","id":"button_rename"}]}
Some explanations: You can add more than one button: Title is the caption of the button, id will identify the button in the callback function
- Trigger your actions in On_ConfigChange(self,oSettings, oConfig, sSection, sKey, sValue), or On_ConfigChange(self, oConfig, sSection, sKey, sValue) if you use the App setting widget sValue will hold the id
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