Battles ~ Wishlist - uchicago-cs/chiventure GitHub Wiki

RPG Battle System Wishlist

Team Spring 2021: Matthew Chang, Sonny Lee, Elsa Athiley, Adin Ilfeld, and Laura Zielinski

As of our inheriting the RPG Battle System, this is the list of features that we would like to have implemented or considered at some point in the future, either for our iteration of this system or for future inheritors.

  • Potentially support reloading mid-battle
  • Implement the creation of custom moves and items building off of the move_t and item_t structs
  • Support reverting item-based stat changes for things like temporary stat boosters that only take effect for the duration of the battle * Support for the temporary stats have been made, however the code has not been integrated with the rest of the currently existing code as of yet.
  • Implement support for items to have effects beyond changing stats
  • Implement moves potentially having effects beyond doing damage/preventing damage
  • Create a framework for lasting effects such as status effects (ex: poison, paralysis, etc)
  • See if WDL currently supports the battle framework, and if not, look into a collaboration
  • More broad, generalized stats. Right now there exists the offense and defense stats only. (Custom dev created stat support)
    • Similarly, look into spreading this so that items and moves can interface with said custom stats.
  • Move use counters (I assume something like Pokemon's PP or perhaps a resource that using moves takes away from like Stamina)

Team Spring 2022: Nicholas Lee, Fatimah Jallow, Angela Liu, Emilio Levins Page, Nafis Khan

Note that these are new wishlist items that should be considered along with the 2021 wishlist items.

  • Auto battle mode, which will activate when a user inputs a certain command
  • Full integration of sound effects (work with them to find a way to run the feature on non-CSIL devices)
  • Multi enemy parties so the player can fight more than one enemy at a time
  • Party battles so the player can play with other players or at least have ai part members
  • Ability to change battle equipment during a battle
  • When multi enemy parties gets implemented, moves that will target one enemy vs moves that will target multiple
  • When party battles get implemented, moves that can heal/help multiple vs one person in the party
  • Different classes playing specified roles in battle ex: a healer healing team members, a knight attacking the other enemies
  • Different ways for battle ai to choose a move, especially now that different types of moves have been implemented
  • Once multiplayer games become an option, a player should be able to battle other players
  • A way for the player to flee a battle/surrender once hp goes below a certain percent

Places for future years to start

Status effects

  • Status effects would be a good place to start since we have now implemented a way to create a variety of moves, which can include some that cause/clear status effects.


  • Autobattle is another great place to start since we now have a way to run a battle and have the ai choose a move for an enemy, meaning it shouldn’t be too difficult to do the same for the player.

Multiple enemies / npc allies

  • It will be cool to start with implementing multiple enemies since it is fairly simple to create enemy npcs, and it is now easier for users to input their desired actions with the numbered menu. This would open the door to a wider variety of multitarget move types. Adding npc allies would make battles more dynamic by introducing team strategy/synergizing.

Improved move selection

  • We can add more info about the actions that are displayed in a menu (i.e. damage types, SP cost, etc), allow players to select targets, navigate backwards in the menu, etc.