Action Management ~ Player Integration Plan - uchicago-cs/chiventure GitHub Wiki


The player module in the dev branch currently defines a player as follows:

/* A player in game */
typedef struct player {
    /* hh is used for hashtable, as provided in uthash.h*/
    UT_hash_handle hh;
    char *player_id;
    int level;
    int health;
    int xp;
    class_t *player_class;
    item_hash_t *inventory;
} player_t;

The following features were desired by previous (2020) and current (2021), iterations of RPG teams (copied from here):

  • Player class (monk, knight, healer, ninja, etc.) with different skills/stats
    • Handled by team RPG player class
  • Player race (human, orc, elf, etc.)
    • Handled by ?
  • Player stats, such as health, experience, speed, attack, mana, stamina, charisma, etc.
    • Handled by team RPG player stats (no 2021 iteration, may be handled by other parties)
  • Skill trees (unlock spells like teleportation, lock-picking, or magic light sources for some random underwater room that would put a normal torch out)
    • Handled by team RPG skill trees
  • Player statuses: these would be effects that modify a player's stats for a given amount of time or until a condition is fulfilled
    • Handled by team RPG player stats (no 2021 iteration, may be handled by other parties)

Player Class

In the playerclass/skilltree-integration branch in the file include/playerclass/class_structs.h (link):

/* A player class struct storing the name, descriptions, attributes,
 * and stats */
typedef struct class {
    // Name of the class
    char* name;

    // A short description of the class
    char* shortdesc;

    // A long description of the class
    char* longdesc;

    // An object containing all the attributes of the class
    obj_t* attributes;

    // All the stats of the class
    stats_hash_t* stats;

    // Effects/temporary status on the class
    effects_hash_t* effects;

    // Class skilltree
    skill_tree_t* skilltree;

     * Note: There is a concern here about the combat vs noncombat distinction,
     * since the skilltrees code divides between passive and active skills.
     * Should we adjust the division below so that we track passive vs active
     * skills?

    // Class combat actions
    skill_inventory_t* combat;

    // Class noncombat actions
    skill_inventory_t* noncombat;

} class_t;

Since the class_t *player_class has been added to the player struct there are no apparent additions necessary from the class module.

Player Race

As of April 30th, 2021, it seems like a player's race will have no effects on stats/skills/etc. Therefore, it can simply be an additional string field in the player struct.

Player Stats

In the dev branch in the file include/game-state/stats.h (link) (Valid link as of April 25th, 2021):

// GLOBAL STATS STRUCT DEFINITION ----------------------------------------------------
 /* This struct represents the global table that keeps track of all stats available.
  * It contains:
  *      the name of the stat,
  *      which is also the key to the hashtable
  *      the maximal value a stat could have
  * */
typedef struct stats_global{
    char *name;
    double max;
    UT_hash_handle hh; 
} stats_global_t;

typedef struct stats_global stats_global_hash_t;

// STATS STRUCT DEFINITION -----------------------------------------------------
/* This struct represents a stat of the player.
 * It contains:
 *      The string name of the stat, 
 *      which is also its key in the hashtable
 *      a pointer to the corresponding global stat
 *      the base value of the stat, 
 *      whose final value will be multiplied by the modifier
 *      note that the base value should not exceed max value and 
 *      the base val * modifier should not exceed global max
 *      cumulative modifiers from effects, set to 1 by default
 * */
typedef struct stats {
    char *key; //key for hashtable (same as global stat name)
    stats_global_t *global;
    double val;
    double max;
    double modifier; 
    UT_hash_handle hh; 
} stats_t;

typedef struct stats stats_hash_t;

Note: In the rpg-stats/effects branch in the file include/game-state/stats.h there is no field char *key; // key for hashtable (same as global stat name) in the stats struct (link) (Valid link as of April 25th, 2021).

Player Skill Trees

In the dev branch in the file include/skilltrees/skilltrees_common.h (link) (Valid link as of April 25th, 2021):

/* An INDIVIDUAL skill, belonging to a player */
typedef struct skill {
    // The skill ID that uniquely identifies the skill
    sid_t sid;

    // The skill type
    skill_type_t type;

    // The name of the skill
    char* name;

    // The description of the skill
    char* desc;

    // The player's current level of the skill
    unsigned int level;

    // The player's current experience points associated with the skill
    unsigned int xp;

    // The maximum level to which the skill can be upgraded
    unsigned int max_level;

    // The minimum number of experience points needed to level up
    unsigned int min_xp;

    // The pointer to the function that will execute the skill effect
    skill_effect_t effect;

} skill_t;

In the dev branch in the file include/skilltrees/inventory.h (link) (Valid link as of April 25th, 2021):

/* ALL the skills belonging to a player */
typedef struct skill_inventory {
    // An array of active skills belonging to a player
    skill_t** active;

    // The number of active skills belonging to a player
    unsigned int num_active;

    // The maximum number of active skills a player can possess
    // (This field helps to enforce skill tree balancing)
    unsigned int max_active;

    // An array of passive skills belonging to a player
    skill_t** passive;

    // The number of passive skills belonging to a player
    unsigned int num_passive;

    // The maximum number of passive skills a player can possess
    // (This field helps to enforce skill tree balancing)
    unsigned int max_passive;

} skill_inventory_t;

Although there are skill_inventory_t fields present in the class struct, the addition of a skill_inventory_t to the player struct is necessary to track all of the acquired skills of the player.

Player Statuses

In the dev branch in the file include/game-state/stats.h (link) (Valid link as of April 25th, 2021:

 /* This struct represents an effect that changes player's stats.
  * It contains:
  *      the name of the effect,
  *      which is also the key to the hashtable
  *      a pointer to the related global effect
  *      a linked list, stat_mod_t, which contains the stats effected
  *      and the modifier value for each stat (an empty list means the 
  *      the effect is turned off)
  * */
typedef struct effects{
    char *key; //key for hashtable (should be same as name of effect)
    effects_global_t *global;
    stat_mod_t *stat_list;
    UT_hash_handle hh; 
} stat_effect_t;

typedef struct effects effects_hash_t;

Although there is an effects_hash_t field present in class_structs.h (for both the dev branch and the branch with the most updated version of class_structs.h the playerclass/skilltree-integration branch), there may be effects that are not relevant to the player's class. Therefore, a seperate effects_hash_t field must be in the player struct.

Summary of Ideas

After communicating with the current (2021) iterations of relevant RPG teams, the player struct will need to look like this:

/* A player in game */
typedef struct player {
    /* hh is used for hashtable, as provided in uthash.h*/
    UT_hash_handle hh;

    /* Unique id identifying the player */
    char *player_id;

    /* The player's current health, separate from their maximum health */
    int health;

    /* The player's current level */
    int level;

    /* The cumulative total of experience points acquired by the player */
    int xp;

    /* A string containing the player's race */
    char *player_race;

    /* The player's current class. class_t contains the base health, stats, and skills for that class at
    the beginning of a game. These may change throughout the game, so their current states are stored 
    in the health, player_stats, player_skills fields in this player struct */
    class_t *player_class;

    /* All of the stats, with their values, the player has */
    stats_hash_t *player_stats;

    /* The current skills known to the player */
    skill_inventory_t *player_skills;

    /* All of the effects the player is currently experiencing */
    effects_hash_t *player_effects;

    /* The current items held by the player*/
    item_hash_t *inventory;
} player_t;