ERPLAB Studio: Combining ERPLAB Classic and ERPLAB Studio - ucdavis/erplab GitHub Wiki

If you want to use both the EEGLAB GUI and ERPLAB Studio, you should run them sequentially rather than simultaneously. They use memory structures with identical names, and they may behave unpredictably if used simultaneously within the same instance of Matlab.

Here’s a little trick that can make it easier: If you have two versions of Matlab (e.g., the current version and a previous version), you may be able to run both versions of Matlab simultaneously, with EEGLAB and the ERPLAB Classic plugin running in the older version and ERPLAB Studio running in the newer version. There is a small chance of conflicts between the two versions of ERPLAB when they run simultaneously in this manner, so if you encounter strange behavior, you should quit from one of them.

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