ERPLAB Studio Panels: MVPCsets - ucdavis/erplab GitHub Wiki
The MVPCsets panel in the Pattern Classification tab is used for MVPCsets, which store the results of the MultiVariate Pattern Classification (decoding) routine. This panel allows you to see and control which MVPCsets are currently loaded, select which MVPCsets are currently active, and perform simple operations on these MVPCsets. MVPCsets are automatically loaded when you perform decoding using the Multivariate Pattern Classification panel. You can also load MVPCset using the Load button.
You select a MVPCset by clicking on it, and you can select multiple MVPCsets by shift-clicking, control-clicking, option-clicking, etc. Selecting one or more MVPCsets causes them to be used as the inputs to the various ERPLAB functions that operate on MVPCsets.
Decoding accuracy is automatically plotted in the ERPLAB Studio plot region for all selected MVPCsets. When multiple MVPCsets are selected, the decoding accuracy waveforms from each MVPCset are overlaid.
You can save the plots by going to the Plotting Options menu near the bottom of the ERPLAB Studio window and selecting Save Figure as.
You can Duplicate or Rename the selected MVPCsets, and you can click Add Suffix to add the same suffix to the MVPCset name for each selected MVPCset.
The Save button saves the selected MVPCsets to disk as .mvpc files. If a selected MVPCset is already linked to a file (e.g., it was loaded from disk or saved to disk in the current session), the current version will simply overwrite the previous file. If the MVPCset is not linked to a file, it will be saved as a file in the Current Folder using the MVPCset name for the filename.
The Save a Copy button is similar to the Save As... operation that is used in many software packages. It duplicates the current MVPCsets and then saves them to .mvpc files on disk (using filenames that you select).
The Refresh button is used to synchronize ERPLAB Studio with the ALLMVPC data structure. It is typically used when a script has created or modified one or more MVPCsets while ERPLAB Studio is running. For example, imagine that you run a script that adds new MVPCsets to the ALLMVPC variable. ERPLAB Studio won’t know that this variable has changed, so it won’t change the list of MVPCsets in the MVPCsets panel. If you click Refresh, the MVPCsets panel will be updated to include the new MVPCsets.
The Current Folder button is used to change Matlab's current folder, which determines the first place Matlab looks for files.
You can export the decoding accuracy values in the selected MVPCsets to a text file with the Export button. This brings up the window shown below.
The decoding accuracy values for all selected MVPCsets are saved into a single text file, which is easily imported into Excel and most statistics packages. You can have a separate row for each MVPCset and a separate column for each time point (Each column is a time point) or a separate column for each MVPCset and a separate row for each time point (Each row is a time point).
You can also choose whether to Include time values for each time point in the output file and the Precision used to print the time values and decoding accuracy values (i.e., the number of digits to the right of the decimal point).
The screenshot below shows an example of what the output looks like when created with the parameters shown in the screenshot above (with 5 MVPCsets selected) after importing the text file into Excel.