ERPLAB Studio Panels: Edit Channels - ucdavis/erplab GitHub Wiki
The Edit/Delete Channels & Locations panel (in both the EEG and ERP tabs) allows you to rapidly delete or rename existing channels. You simply put the channel numbers in the text box and click Delete or Rename. This will either update the existing EEGset/ERPset or create a new EEGset/ERPset, depending on the settings.
You can also add or edit channel location information by clicking the Add or edit chan locations button. This tool is similar in function to EEGLAB’s Edit > Channel locations tool, but it shows the locations on a 2D head. This makes it easier to make sure that the locations are correct.
If channel locations aren’t already present in the EEGset/ERPset, you can load them from a file that contains the information for each channel by clicking the Load chanlocs from locs file button. If you don’t have such a file, you can have the software use the channel names to guess the locations by clicking the Guess chanlocs button. You can find more information about channel locations and how to set them in the EEGLAB Tutorial.