ERPLAB Studio Panels: Average Across MVPCsets - ucdavis/erplab GitHub Wiki
The Average Across MVPCsets (Grand Average) panel is used to average together the MVPCsets that are selected in the MVPCsets panel. The most common use for this is to create a grand average across subjects. It can also be used to average across MVPCsets for a single participant (e.g., MVPCsets for different sessions). This routine can be used only if all of the MVPCsets being averaged together contain the same number of time points and the same sampling rate.
There is an option for calculating the point-by-point standard error of the mean (SEM) across the MVPCsets. This provides the SEM across MVPCsets at each time point.
There is also an option for printing a warning (to the Matlab Command Window) if there are any other differences in decoding parameters, such as a difference in the chance level.