BDF Cheat Sheet and Examples - ucdavis/erplab GitHub Wiki

Binlister Cheat Sheet

Operator Format Example
Home-item operator . .{11}
NOT operator ~ .{~11}
Event-list operator {event #} .{11}
OR operator ; or , .{11;22;33} or .{11,22,33}
Colon operator : or - .{10:20} or .{10-20}
Reaction-time operator :rt<“variable name”> .{11}{9:rt<“correct_resp”>}
Time-condition operator t<start # ms - stop # ms> .{11}{t<100-1000>9}
Flag operator-Write artifact flag :wa<binary #> .{11:wa<00000001>}
Flag operator-Test artifact flag :fa<binary #> .{11:fa<00000001>}
Flag operator-Write user flag :wb<binary #> .{11:wb<10000000>}
Flag operator-Test user flag :fb<binary #> .{11:fb<10000000>}
Check for any flag, returning only flag-free :f<0> .{11:f<0>}

Tutorial: Binlister Demo 1

bin 1
Frequent followed by correct response

bin 2
Rare followed by correct response

Tutorial: Binlister Demo 2

bin 1
Frequent followed by correct response

bin 2
Rare followed by correct response

Tutorial: Binlister Demo 3

bin 1
Frequent followed by correct response without incorrect response

bin 2
Rare followed by correct response without incorrect response

Tutorial: Binlister Demo 4

bin 1
Frequent followed by correct response without incorrect response
.{11;122;22;111}{t<200-1000>~8}{t<200-1000>9:rt<"Frequent RT">}

bin 2
Rare followed by correct response without incorrect response
.{21;112;12;121}{t<200-1000>~8}{t<200-1000>9:rt<"Rare RT">}

Exclude double responses. The bin descriptors look for a stimulus (e.g. 11;122;22;111) that is not followed by the event code 8 between 200-1000 ms and is followed by the event code 9 between 200-1000 ms.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️