Zotero Harvester Zeder Interop - ubtue/ub_tools GitHub Wiki

Zeder is considered to be the primary source of metadata on the journals themselves. This database is maintained by librarians and is, for all intents and purposes, a read-only source. The harvester config file is primarily generated automatically from Zeder using the zeder_to_zotero_importer tool. The tool can also be used to update existing entries in the config file with new data from Zeder.

Import (new journals)

Generally speaking, fields in the harvester config file roughly correspond to specific columns on Zeder. The fields that have a one-to-one correspondence to Zeder columns are directly copied from the latter. All other fields are resolved programmatically.

New items will ony be imported if either prodf is zota or prode is zota or zotat!

When importing a new entry from Zeder, the zeder_to_zotero_importer tool attempts to generate a config with the following fields:

Config Field Zeder Column(s) Comment
Section Name/Journal Name tit 1-1 Mapping
(Certain invalid characters are stripped automatically)
Zeder ID Z 1-1 Mapping
Zeder Modified Timestamp Mtime 1-1 Mapping
Group - Resolved using the source Zeder instance
Entry Point URL rss > p_zot2 > url2 > url1
rss > url2 > p_zot2 > url1
Field priority for Zeder instance IXTHEO
Field priority for Zeder instance KRIMDOK
Harvester Operation z_type If 'z_type' field exists, the harvester operation can be one of the following: rss,crawl,email,api.
If 'z_type' does not exists or is empty the previous rules apply: If 'rss' is set, set to 'RSS' else set to 'CRAWL'
A manually set value APIQUERY in the zotero_harvester.conf is currently not overwritten
Upload Operation prodf If 'prodf' is 'zota' => set to 'LIVE'
If 'prode' is 'zotat' or 'zota' => set to 'TEST'
Else set to 'NONE'
Online PPN eppn 1-1 Mapping
Print PPN pppn 1-1 Mapping
Online ISSN essn 1-1 Mapping (if multiple values are found only the first is taken, delimiter is ;)
Print ISSN issn 1-1 Mapping (if multiple values are found only the first is taken, delimiter is ;)
Update Window freq Converted to an admissible range in days for a given year
=> (365 / freq) * 1.5
Expected Languages sprz 1-1 Mapping
SSGN ber 1-1 Mapping
License oacc 1-1 Mapping
Selective Evaluation ausw true if value is "selek"

Update (existing journals)

The Zotero harvester config is automatically updated every evening at 19:00 with the help of the update_zotero_enhancement_maps.sh script. Only the following fields are updated:

  • tit
  • pppn/eppn
  • issn/essn
  • prode/prodf
  • freq
  • license
  • sprz
  • ausw
  • Entry Point URL (fields+priority see above)

The goal is to automatically update as many fields as possible from zeder. However, since lots of config settings have been adjusted manually after syncing, this needs to be done step by step.

Source Files

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