Installation ub28 - ubtue/ub_tools GitHub Wiki

ub28 is our system where automatic processes run that generate MARC data that gets autouploaded to the BSZ FTP server.

Zotero Harvesting

[Someone should fill this in...]

  • Docker Container installieren: /usr/local/ub_tools/docker/ zts + tika_server
  • jeweils das Skript ausführen
  • systemd Dateien nach /etc/systemd/system kopieren
  • systemctl daemon-reload
  • systemctl enable zts und tika_server

BNB Harvesting

The British National Bibliography maintains a server that supports the Z39.50 protocol that we use to download records relevant to theology once per week. We do this with a Python program found in .../ub_tools/bnb_yaz which controls the yaz-client command-line tool which is part of the yaz package and should be installed first with your package manager. Also required is the config file /usr/local/var/lib/tuelib/bnb_username_password.conf which should be copied from /mnt/ZE020150/FID-Entwicklung/ub_tools/ when issuing a top-level "make install" in ub_tools. This "make install" should also install in /usr/local/bin. Finally you need to create an entry in the root crontab as follows:
0 20 * * 7 "$BIN/" "$EMAIL" > "$LOG_DIR/bnb-downloader.log" 2>&1.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️