Pre flight checklist and take off - uavpal/disco-docs GitHub Wiki

  • check for wind ( and wind gusts
  • max: 43km/h=12m/s=5 bft=24mph
  • check 'runway': will the Disco have a proper launch path, preferably upwind?
  • preferably a 80m diameter circle around you for circular landing
  • check position of pitot tube/power button: is it fixed properly? The pitot tube should be clear (no water or dirt in it) and the inlet facing forward. The button should be pressed firmly onto the CHUCK until both clasps are fixed (to either side)
  • check servos connection to elevons
  • check if correct battery table is on your disco (if you swapped battery type from LiPo to LiIon vv)
  • check for enough memory on the Disco or, if using microSD card with disco4g: enough memory and FAT32 formatting on the card.
  • check battery levels on phone/tablet, skycontroller and drone
  • calibrate if you had a crash, or modified the disco in any way
  • turn location data / gps on on your tablet/phone
  • start screen recording on your phone/tablet (optional)
  • if flying over 4g: check latency, data allowance.

if you want to make extra sure the servos are working properly:

  • press 'take off/land', roll (bank) the disco left and right and observe the elevons trying to compensate. Abort within 3 seconds, or be prepared for the motor to power up.