Disturbance Modules - uaf-arctic-eco-modeling/dvm-dos-tem GitHub Wiki
Fire Module Concept
The Alaska ecosystem requires a process to transfer materials from one pool to another to mimic wildfires.
EQ, SP - Shuhua's paper
TR, SC - Helene's paper
EQ and SP, FRI, julian day of burn based on historic data from 1950-1980?
Fire Module Mechanics
FRI (x,y). This is necessary for EQ and SP only.
Year of burn (x,y,time).
Area of burn (x,y,time). This is for calculating severity of burn when not using ALFRESCO data.
Julian day of burn (x,y,time).
Severity (x,y,time). This will be from ALFRESCO, and will replace the severity calculated with AOB.
Soil stack diagram:
burndepth is calculated based on severity (0-4) and VWC. Moss layers always burn.
Running with fire
To run the model with fire disturbance, either set dsb on for EQ in TEM.cpp (this requires recompiling) or pause the model immediately after the PR to EQ transition and turn dsb on from the command menu.
To set FRI for all cells to 50 years:
ncap2 -h -O -s 'fri(,)=50' DATA/Toolik_10x10_allyrs/fri_fire.nc DATA/Toolik_10x10_allyrs/fri_fire50.nc
Change the fri filename in config/config.js to match the new filename.