30 minutes to setup dvmdostem - uaf-arctic-eco-modeling/dvm-dos-tem GitHub Wiki


This page gives a very high level view of how to get started with dvmdostem by using a Virtual Machine provided by Vagrant.

Vagrant is a tool that helps to provide a pre-configured Virtual Machine (VM). Vagrant helps to manage the specific settings and configurations for the VM, and provides a quick way to get a repeatable, "clean", development environment with all the appropriate packages installed so that dvmdostem and associated tools will run with minimum fuss.

Note: Depending on your specific needs and experience, Vagrant may not be the best option for you. For more options see the longer tutorial: 90-minutes-to-dvmdostem

The main simulation software is written in C++. The supporting software (visualization, pre processing, post processing, and analysis) is written in a mixture of Python, R, and shell scripts.

We have desinged dvmdostem to run on *nix systems, although the build system is not robust enough to automatically configure for a given system. We have successfully run dvmdostem on Fedora 20, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, and MacOSX 10.9.

Host Requirements

  • Depending on the specifications of your host computer, you may need to adjust the RAM and number of CPUs given to the guest by modifying the Vagrantfile.

  • On your host computer, you will need an ssh client, your ssh keys need to be setup with Github, and you will need to have an ssh-agent running with your keys added. These components allow the Vagrant VM to make connections to Github and atlas.

  • You will need an X Windows Server installed on the host. On Fedora, Ubuntu, and OSX hosts, the X Windows system should be available through the pacakge manager if it is not already installed.

On Windows hosts, see the Special Notes.

Getting started

You need 3 things to get going:

  1. The Vagrant software.
  2. The Virtual Box software.
  3. A Vagrantfile and associated shell scripts.

First, install Vagrant: https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html

Second, install VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads

Note: Make sure to get and install the Extension Pack for Virtual Box.

Third, you need a Vagrantfile. The Vagrantfile has instructions so that Vagrant knows how to assemble and configure the VM. There is a selection of Vagrantfiles and (associated shell scripts) for several different VMs in the dvm-dos-tem/virtualmachines directory. As of 6/11/2019, the most up-to-date machine is probably ubuntu1604. There are two options for getting a Vagrantfile to work with:

  1. Download only the Vagrantfile and shell scripts you need.
  2. Clone the entire dvm-dos-tem repo to your host computer.

Note: Cloning the repo from github, will mean that you keep a copy of dvmdostem on your host computer, even though you will likely do most of your work on the guest VM. While slightly awkward, this is not really a problem.

Note: Some of the VMs are setup such that the project directory on the host (dvm-dos-tem) is shared with the guest. In the guest, the folder is mounted at /vagrant/. In theory it should be possible to do most of your work on the host machine (using your normal editor) and compile and run on the guest machine, but we've encountered some issues with NetCDF, and have found it easier to simply do all work inside the guest machine.

Building your VM

The Vagrantfile is essentially a Ruby script with instructions for how to download an operating system image, install it through a Virtual Machine provider (Virtual Box), and further install packages inside the Virtual Machine.

The machine specified in the Vagrantfile is roughly this:

  • ~0.75GB RAM, 4 CPUs
  • Has a handful variety of software libraries installed.
  • Has clones of dvmdostem.
  • Has settings specific to our lab or working group.

If you have more RAM available on your host computer, you can adjust the Vagrantfile to allocate more memory to the guest.

Build the VM. This can take several minutes, especailly if you do not already have the base image for the VM cached locally:

(host)$ vagrant up

Note: You will want a decent internet connection for the first time you run this!! The setup and install process (provisioning) will download a base operating system from the web and will install many packages from software repositories on the web. After your machine has been provisioned the first time you will be able to bring it up without an internet connection.

The output from vagrant up is pretty informative as to what is happening, especially when paired with the Vagrantfile.

Using your VM

If the vagrant up command succeeds without any terribly alarming warnings, you should now have a virtual machine up and running. The machine is configured as a "server" in the sense that there is not a Desktop GUI environment installed. Your primary interactions with the machine will be using the command line thru an ssh connection, however it is still possible to run many graphical applications. You will interact with the the VM in more or less the same way you would interact with atlas or another remote server. You can find out more about the machine by using the vagrant programs's command line interface:

(host)$ vagrant status

To access your VM, use:

(host)$ vagrant ssh

This will attempt to connect to github with appropriate permissions, and should eventually give you a shell on your new VM:

Last login: Thu Apr  2 18:28:00 2015 from
[vagrant@localhost ~]$

If there were no errors in the vagrant up step, then you should have a clone of dvmdostem in the home directory:

[vagrant@localhost ~]$ ls

In addition, the following things might be setup (look at the boostrap-*.sh scripts that are with your Vagrantfile to see what is configured for the machine you are using):

  • The devel and master branch are pulled from main repo.
  • Remote repository points to github.com:ua-snap named upstream
  • Already installed boost, netcdf, jsoncpp, vim, gitk, git gui, qt-creator, ipython, gdal, and more
  • Conveniences added to ~/.bashrc file
  • X-11 forwarding setup so that you can use graphical tools on your VM.

Compile the model

Note: You probably need to setup your environment before compiling. This involves setting particular variables and loading certain software so that all the supporting libraries for dvmdostem can be found during compilation. Look in the env-setup-scripts directory for a script for your machine, or ideas if a script for your exact machine does not exist. As of 06-20-2019, the setup-env-for-pecanVM.sh will work for the ubuntu1604 VM.

Using Make:

[vagrant@localhost ~]$ cd dvm-dos-tem
[vagrant@localhost dvm-dos-tem (master)]$ make

Or using Scons:

[vagrant@localhost dvm-dos-tem (master)]$ scons

Running the model

Default, sample configuration:

[vagrant@localhost dvm-dos-tem (master)]$ ./dvmdostem

To see how this run is setup, look at the config/config.js file and notice the defaults for the command line options when you run ./dvmdostem --help

Running, Calibration

You will need one terminal window (vagrant ssh session) for running the model itself and an additional terminal for running the calibration viewing script. With more terminals open you can simultaneously run more instances of the calibration viewing script.

In one window, start the calibration viewer:

[vagrant@localhost dvm-dos-tem (master)]$ ./calibration/calibration-viewer.py

Now in another window, start the simulation:

[vagrant@localhost dvm-dos-tem (master)]$ ./dvmdostem --cal-mode

The simulation should run a 100 year "warm-up" period and then stop and ask for input. The graphs in the calibration viewer should update to show the progress. In the calibration viewer, you can change the PFT that is being displayed with the (incredibly ugly) buttons on the right. Both dvmdostem and the calibration viewer have more information visible with the --help flag. images/dvmdostem-cal-example.png

Plotting, Pre and Post Analysis

To be continued...

Turning off your Virtual Machine

When you are finished working with the VM, you can logout and then shutdown the VM:

[vagrant@localhost ~]$ exit
(host)$ vagrant halt

More options are available. See vagrant --help

Special Windows Host Notes

Unfortunately using Windows as a host is a little bit trickier as it is challenging to get an Xserver running on Windows. The solution is to use piece of software called MobaXTerm. Fortunately MobaXTerm is a nice tool with a lot of handy features.

  • Install Virtual Box.
  • Install Vagrant.
  • Install Git for Windows.
  • Install MobaXTerm
  • Open MobaXTerm, find the setting to use WINDOWS PATH variable, and restart Moba.
  • Fork the ua-snap/dvm-dos-tem.git repo on Github so that you have a personal copy.
  • Using MobaXTerm, clone dvm-dos-tem from your fork to your host computer.
  • With MobaXTerm, change into the dvm-dos-tem directory that you just cloned.
  • Run vagrant up to build the Virtual Machine (may take a while).
  • Use ipconfig to find the IP address of the new VM.
  • In MobaXTerm, make a new session. Use the IP address you just found above. User name: vagrant, password: vagrant, port 2222.
  • Start the session to sign into the Vagrant VM.