Contributing ruleset recipes - uBlockOrigin/uMatrix-issues GitHub Wiki

[just randomly throwing stuff in here for now]

The character _ is placeholder for "current scope".

The strictest ruleset for which recipes must un-break sites is:

  • The global rule * 1st-party * allow is present
  • The global rule * 1st-party frame allow is present
  • All 3rd-party requests blocked by default (including images/css)
  • All scripts blocked by default (including 1st-party scripts)
  • All 3rd-party frames are blocked by default
  • All stock hosts files are enabled

matrix with strict rules

For any given 3rd-party, if only one type of request is needed, then the rule should allow only that one specific type. Example:

_ someserver.cdn xhr

For any given 3rd-party, if more than one type of request is needed, two cases:

Case 1: If only passive resources are needed, then the rules should be specifically only for these passive resources. Example:

_ css
_ image

Case 2: If active resources are needed, then a broad rule should appear before the more specific ones. Example:

_ *
_ script
_ frame

When a rule such as _ * is used in a recipe, there is no need to explicitly declare rules for passive content (i.e. no need for _ image).

Using rules for hostnames which are public suffix or below is frowned upon, though it is sometimes impractical to stick to this rules. When this happens, a convincing argument in favor of the exception should be made.

In the same vein, type-based rules must be avoided. Bad:

_ * xhr

If ever this happens to be the only sensible solution to some real issue, then again a convincing argument should be made in favor of such broad rule.
