LabelImg - HumanSignal/labelImg GitHub Wiki
- pyqt5==5.10.1
- lxml==4.6.3
- Anaconda
- This is a tool used for data annotation. Create new lables or show the existing lablels into the image (annotation visualization).
- If you don't know how to create an conda environment refer-To create conda env
- To Understand how to use the tool refer-Labelimg
- For annotation visualization: copy the existing labels to same folder with the images
- Creates a txt file in the yolo labeling format which contains annotation corresponding to the images which has
Steps to execute
- Create a conda environment
- Run the command
Image of the output
Steps to correct the labels
- Change the “predefined_classes.txt” to the classes you want in the data folder
- Click on “open Dir” and open the folder where you have all the images
- Put the classes.txt which has all the classes inside the label folder
- Click on “Change Save Dir” and open the folder where you have the labels
- Correct the labels and save