How to build and setup on - tx00100xt/SeriousSamClassic GitHub Wiki

How to build and setup on Gentoo Linux.

To build under Gentoo, you should use the serioussam overlay,
which is included in the

Getting serioussam overlay

Type this in your terminal:

emerge eselect-repository
eselect repository enable serioussam
emaint sync --repo serioussam

To install the games and all add-ons use the metapackage

Assign a value for CD_ROOT

export CD_ROOT=/mnt/cdrom

Mount the СD image of game Serious Sam Classic The First Encounter to /mnt/cdrom

emerge serioussam-tfe-meta --autounmask=y
unmount /mnt/cdrom

Mount the СD image of game Serious Sam Classic The Second Encounter to /mnt/cdrom

emerge serioussam-tse-meta --autounmask=y
unmount /mnt/cdrom

After installation, shortcuts for launching games will appear in the menu,
