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DiddleBug — Palm OS drawing program.

"DiddleBug is an application for the Palm family of handheld computers. It is similar to a yellow-sticky note in that it allows you to scribble information onto your Palm device using digital ink. You can set alarms for each note from a pop-up list, and DiddleBug will not let you forget your reminder. In addition, DiddleBug has IntelliBooger extensions that allow you to transfer information from within DiddleBug to other applications, such as the built-in ToDo and DateBook apps."

Author: Peter Putzer, Germany (2004).

2004-09-16: v2.90β4. Free under GPL license.

DiddleBug home page.

Scribble — Palm program.

"Scribble turns the 160×160 pixel LCD panel into a simple notepad, upon which you can scribble names, telephone numbers, etc. Scribble, with one page of data, occupies less than 5k of RAM.

Scribble saves the screen when you exit the app and restores it when you relaunch the app. Enter 'C' on the graffiti writing area to clear the display (or choose clear from the menu).

Scribble supports multiple pages, stored in a PalmOS database. Enter 'N' on the graffiti writing area to create a new page. Use the graffiti forward stroke (space) and back stroke (backspace) to go forward or backward a page. 'R' will remove the page. A number in the bottom right corner tells you which page you're on.

Scribble will not tell you if an error occurs - dialog boxes cost RAM. For instance if you try to create a new page but don't have enough memory, it will just ignore you."

Author: Andrew Howlett (1997).

1997-01-05: v1.6.

Available in the Hand Held Organizer Toolkit as