Versions - twiederk/ActionPRG GitHub Wiki
Version 5.3.0 (19.08.2024)
- Bug fix: The player could attack through the wall
- Bug fix: In cave the player could walk in the abbys
- Replaced TileMap nodes with TileMapLayer nodes
Version 5.2.0 (18.08.2024)
- Added controller support
- Upgraded to Godot 4.3
Version 5.1.0 (20.04.2023)
Version 5.0.0 (17.04.2023)
Version 4.10.0 (24.02.2023)
- Filled empty area in village
- Added wizard tower
Version 4.9.0 (22.02.2023)
- Added inherited scenes for BatBlue, BatPurple, GiantBat, DragonBrown and DragonBlue.
Version 4.8.0 (21.02.2023)
- Replaced fireball with firesphere
Version 4.7.0 (18.02.2023)
Version 4.6.0 (13.02.2023)
- Added pick up only better armor and weapon
- Added WorldHeightLayer to fix problem of Zyxels treasure cave
Version 4.5.0 (13.02.2023)
- Added EnemieState.SHOOT
- Added red swipe for rubin sword
Version 4.4.0 (11.02.2023)
- Added breathing of fireballs to dragons
Version 4.3.0 (10.02.2023)
- Added display of level
- Replaced direct calls of LevelStats with signals
Version 4.2.0 (10.02.2023)
- Added CliffFilledTileset
- Added HealthBar support for 50 hit points
Version 4.1.0 (09.02.2023)
- Added ExperienceUI
- Added level up animation
Version 4.0.0 (09.02.2023)
Version 3.4.0 (08.02.2023)
- Added quit button to pause menu
- Added strength as part of damage in HUD
- Added IslandTileset
- Added small stream to village
Version 3.3.0 (08.02.2023)
- Add BronzeKey to open fence door in cave. Added all keys as resource
- Removed inheritance from ItemResource. Refactured directory structure of items.
- Replaced Door with NormalDoor in village
- Cleaned root directory of unnecessary files
Version 3.2.0 (07.02.2023)
- Added display of damage and armor class in HUD
- Added new tunnel to cave
- Fixed rendering of shadow of enemies
Version 3.1.0 (31.01.2023)
- Added SecretDoor, which can be destroy with attack.
- Added secret passage, which is shown when secret door is opened
Version 3.0.0 (30.01.2023)
- Created Crypt level
- Created DungeonTileset
- Added secret treasure chamber to church
Version 2.6.0 (28.01.2023)
- Added brown dragon
- Added more armor
- Added crystal as gems
- GlobalAudioStreamPlayer now support play_stream
- Fixed bug after restart from pause menu
Version 2.5.0 (27.01.2023)
- Added christmas tree and red flower
Version 2.4.0 (26.01.2023)
- Added Blue Dragon
- Added GamePauseUI
- Removed background music
- Restructured enemie files
Version 2.3.0 (23.01.2023)
- Added cave entry to village
- Added background music
- Created Village tileset
Version 2.2.0 (22.01.2023)
- Added Levelstats to store visited items, bats, treasure chests and doors
- Added HealthUI to displays up to 20 hit points in two rows
Version 2.1.0 (20.01.2023)
- Added portal leading back from cave to village
- Bats can fly across abyss while player can't
- Fixed bug: Update UI when game restarts
Version 2.0.0 (20.01.2023)
- Added Cave scene (2nd level)
- Created CaveTileset
- Added Portal scene
- Added quit button
Version 1.17.0 (17.01.2023)
- Added a least one point of damage
- Added restart to game
- Created new game system with more hit points and different damage dies
Version 1.16.0 (17.01.2023)
- Add treasure chest containing gems
- Added GameStartUI
- Added GameOverUI
Version 1.15.0 (15.01.2023)
- Added church
- Extended Bat scene and script. GiantBat is not necessary anymore
- Added application icon
- Added red texture for GiantBats
Version 1.14.0 (15.01.2023)
- New starting position for player with new equipment
- Added blue bats to the world
Version 1.13.0 (14.01.2023)
- Added sound to healing well
- Added heal and strength potion
- Added strength to damage
- Added armor class to armor
- Added damage to EnemieResource
- Moved game logic from Player to PlayerStats
Version 1.12.0 (13.01.2023)
- Added InventoryUI
- Added pickup of armor
- Added knockback_factor to enemie resource
- Removed unused sound resources
- Deleted PlayerHurtSound
Version 1.11.0 (13.01.2023)
- Added inheritance to Items
- Added sounds for all actions
Version 1.10.0 (11.01.2023)
- Added inheritance to Bat and GiantBat
- Added HealthBar and NameLabel to Bat and GiantBat
- Replaced KeyMaterial script with Key enum
Version 1.9.0 (11.01.2023)
- Added blink effect when key is missing
- Fixed bug already opened door consumes key again vor opening
- Replaced Stats and PlayerStats scenes with PlayerStats script
Version 1.8.0 (09.01.2023)
- Added KeyUI
- Added Tween to animate sword from treasure chest
- Added EnemieResource to hold health points
Version 1.7.0 (08.01.2023)
- Added three new houses with bats and items
- Added ArmorResource. Added SamuraiArmor to 3rd House
- Added KeyPickedSound
Version 1.6.0 (08.01.2023)
- Added ItemResource it is inherited by KeyResource, PotionResource and WeaponResource.
- Created Assets dir and moved Sounds and Graphics to it
- Updated to GUT 7.4.1
Version 1.5.0 (07.01.2023)
- Improved level design
- Added giant bat
- Added licence
Version 1.4.0 (28.12.2022)
- Added sword as content of the treasure chest
- Added best practice structrue of nodes: Main, World, GUI
- Removed keyboard from game
Version 1.3.0 (14.09.2022)
- Added OOP solution for damage of sword
- Added copper key to open treasure chest
Version 1.2.0 (13.09.2022)
- Added screenshot to homepage of wiki
- Added WoodTileSet as floor to house of fox
- Added invisible barrier to block bats from entering house of fox
Version 1.1.0 (20.05.2021)
- start animation of bats with different frames
- healing well should glow while healing
- walls of house should be grey and solid
Version 1.0.0 (15.05.2021)
- add sword +1
- add healing well
- fix Godot warnings
- add class name to all classes
- add DoD, DoR, Backlog, Version