API Description - tuwiendsg/rSYBL GitHub Wiki

Method Name Type Input type Output type Description
/{id}/prepareControl PUT application/xml - Sets the rSYBL controller in "prepare mode", for receiving all the necessary information for control.
/{id}/description/tosca PUT application/xml - Sends to rSYBL the TOSCA description of service with ID id
/{id}/description PUT application/xml - Sets rSYBL specific application structural description (e.g., here ) for service with ID id. When this is sent TOSCA description is not needed.
/{id}/deployment PUT application/xml - Sets current service deployment description for service with ID id (e.g., here).
/{id}/elasticityCapabilitiesEffects PUT application/json - Sets effects expected for primitive operations in JSON format (e.g., here) for service with ID id.
/{id}/compositionRules PUT application/xml - Sets composition rules for service metrics in MELA-specific XML format (e.g., here) for service with ID id.
/{id}/startControl PUT application/xml - Starts the control for the service with ID id.
/{id}/startControlOnExisting PUT application/xml - Starts the control on the service with ID id, which is already deployed and monitored.
/{id}/stopControl PUT application/xml - Stops the control (equivalent with a pause in control, for when the service is manually modified).
/{id} DELETE - - De-registers from rSYBL and MELA, and undeploys from the cloud the service with ID id.
/managedService/{id} DELETE - - De-registers from rSYBL and MELA service with ID id (does NOT undeploy) from the cloud.
/{id}/onDemandControl/unhealthy PUT plain/txt - Triggers health fix (recursive restart in top-down mode) for service with ID id, for service part sent as parameter (in the method body).
/{id}/startTEST PUT application/xml - Starts the rSYBL controller in testing mode
/{id}/{servicePartID} /testElasticityCapability/ {capabilityID} PUT application/xml - Enforces, for service with ID id, capability with capabilityID for service part with servicePartID.
/{id}/{servicePartID} /testElasticityCapability /{pluginID} /{capabilityID} PUT application/xml - Enforces, for service with ID id, capability with capabilityID for service part with servicePartID, by using a specific enforcement plugin of rSYBL, with ID pluginID.
/{id}/description GET - application/xml Gets current application structural description used, in rSYBL specific format (e.g., here )
/{id}/elasticityRequirements/xml GET - application/xml Returns elasticity requirements for the service with ID id, in XML format.
/{id}/elasticityRequirements/plain GET - text/plain Returns elasticity requirements for the service with ID id, in SYBL format.
/{id}/structuralData/json" GET - application/json Returns the service structural description in JSON format.
elasticservices GET - text/plain Returns the ids of all currently controlled services, separated by ','.
/{id}/deployment POST application/xml - Modifies current service deployment description for service with ID id (e.g., here).
/{id}/description POST application/xml - Modifies for service with ID id, the service description which is sent in the body of this call.
/{id}/compositionRules POST application/xml - Modifies composition rules for service with ID id (i.e., old ones are being replaced with the new ones sent in the message body).
/{id}/elasticityRequirements/xml POST application/xml - Modifies elasticity requirements for the service with ID id, with the ones received. The received requirements are for this method in XML format.
/{id}/elasticityCapabilitiesEffects POST application/json - Modifies elasticity capabilities effects for service with ID id, with the ones sent in JSON format.
/{id}/replaceRequirements/plain POST text/plain - Replaces elasticity requirements for service with ID id with the ones received in SYBL format.
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