1.1 Electrical Requirements - turag-ev/TURAG-Feldbus GitHub Wiki

The TURAG-Feldbus bus uses the RS485 standard for data transmission, which allows the construction of a differential bus.

The signal coding is based on the possibilities of UART:

  • The data transfer takes place in frames.
  • A frame consists of a start bit, 8 data bits and a stop bit.
  • One start bit equals 0,
  • a stop bit logical 1,
  • as well as the idle state on the bus.
  • The length of a bit is determined by the baud rate set for all bus subscribers. The baud rate can vary from bus to bus, but is the same for all participants on a bus.
On the bus exactly one master and a finite number of slaves are connected.
  • All bus subscribers must release the bus immediately after sending a packet.
Notes on electrical details of RS485 can be found here.
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