10. Systems - tuansondinh/clean_code GitHub Wiki

10.1 How would you build a city?

Cities work because:

  1. "...cities have teams of people who manage particular parts of the city..." (water, power etc.) S.154
  2. they evolved from appropriate complexity/abstraction and modularity
  • Clean Code -> organize at lower levels of abstraction
  • How to stay clean in high level abstraction / system level?

10.2 Separate Constructing a System from Using it

  • construction is different process from use
  • "The separation of concerns is one of the oldest and most important design techniques in our craft." S.154

BAD - Lazy Initialization/Evaluation - mixing up startup and runtime logic:

  • good: constructs object when really needed; faster startup; null is never returned
  • bad: hard-coded dependency on MyServiceImpl-> can't compile without resolving these dependencies
public Service getService() {
 if (service == null)
  service = new MyServiceImpl(...); // Good enough default for most cases? return service;

"...we should make sure that we have a global, consistent strategy for resolving our major dependencies." S.155

10.3 Separation of Main (S.155)

  • "move all aspects of construction to main, or modules called by main..."
  • "...design the rest of the system assuming that all objects have been constructed and wired up appropriately.
  • "The main function builds the objects necessary for the system, then passes them to the application, which simply uses them."
  • "...the application has no knowledge of main or of the construction process."

10.4 Factories

  • application can say when an object gets created -> use ABSTRACT FACTORY pattern
  • construction is still seperate from app code

10.5 Dependency Injection

  • powerful method to separate construction from use
  • use of _Inversion of Control _ to dependency management
  • IoC "...moves secondary responsibilities from an object to other objects, that are dedicated to the purpose" (S.157) -> supports SRP
  • an object should not be responsible for instantiating dependencies -> should pass it too other mechanism -> inverting control


10.6 Scaling Up

  • start small with low complexity, then expand -> iterative and incremental agility "Test-driven development, refactoring, and the clean code they produce make this work at the code level." S.158

On System Level: "Their architectures can grow incrementally, if we maintain the proper separation of concerns." S.158 WIP