Code Explaination install_python.ps1 - truelockmc/PC-Optimus GitHub Wiki

Here is a detailed Explaination for the Code in install_python.ps1

This PowerShell script automates the process of downloading and installing Python, as well as handling some cleanup and restarting a setup batch file. Here's a breakdown of what each part of the script does:

PowerShell Script Breakdown

1. Define Variables

$version = "3.12.5"
$url = "$version/python-$version-amd64.exe"
$logFile = "$env:TEMP\python_install_log.txt"
  • $version: Specifies the Python version to be installed.
  • $url: Constructs the download URL for the Python installer based on the specified version.
  • $logFile: Specifies the path to the log file where installation messages will be recorded.

2. Define Logging Function

function Log-Message {
    param (
    Add-Content -Path $logFile -Value $message
    Write-Host $message
  • Log-Message: A custom function that logs messages to both the log file and the console. It takes a string $message as input, writes it to the log file, and also displays it in the console.

3. Download Python Installer

Log-Message "Downloading Python $version from $url..."
Invoke-WebRequest $url -OutFile python-$version.exe
Log-Message "Download completed."
  • Log-Message "Downloading Python $version from $url...": Logs the start of the download process.
  • Invoke-WebRequest $url -OutFile python-$version.exe: Downloads the Python installer from the specified URL and saves it as python-$version.exe.
  • Log-Message "Download completed.": Logs the completion of the download.

4. Install Python

$installPath = "$($env:ProgramFiles)\Python$version"
Log-Message "Installing Python $version..."
Start-Process python-$version.exe -ArgumentList "/quiet", "InstallAllUsers=1", "PrependPath=1" -Wait
Log-Message "Python installation completed."
  • $installPath: Constructs the installation path for Python.
  • Log-Message "Installing Python $version...": Logs the start of the installation process.
  • Start-Process python-$version.exe -ArgumentList "/quiet", "InstallAllUsers=1", "PrependPath=1" -Wait: Executes the Python installer with silent installation options:
    • /quiet: Runs the installer without user interaction.
    • InstallAllUsers=1: Installs Python for all users.
    • PrependPath=1: Adds Python to the system PATH.
  • Log-Message "Python installation completed.": Logs the completion of the installation.

5. Clean Up

Log-Message "Cleaning up..."
Remove-Item python-$version.exe
Log-Message "Cleanup completed."
  • Log-Message "Cleaning up...": Logs the start of the cleanup process.
  • Remove-Item python-$version.exe: Deletes the installer file.
  • Log-Message "Cleanup completed.": Logs the completion of the cleanup.

6. Restart Setup Batch File

Log-Message "Restarting setup.bat..."
Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList "/c setup.bat restart" -Wait
Log-Message "Restart of setup.bat completed."
  • Log-Message "Restarting setup.bat...": Logs the start of the batch file restart.
  • Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList "/c setup.bat restart" -Wait: Executes the batch file setup.bat with the restart argument to restart the setup process. -Wait ensures the script waits for the batch file to complete.
  • Log-Message "Restart of setup.bat completed.": Logs the completion of the restart process.

7. Exit Script

Log-Message "Exiting PowerShell script."
  • Log-Message "Exiting PowerShell script.": Logs the exit of the PowerShell script.
  • Exit: Exits the PowerShell script.


  1. Download Python Installer: The script downloads the specified version of Python from the official Python website.
  2. Install Python: It runs the installer silently, ensuring Python is available for all users and is added to the system PATH.
  3. Cleanup: The installer file is deleted after installation.
  4. Restart Batch File: The script restarts the setup batch file to continue with any further setup steps.
  5. Exit: The script logs its exit and terminates.

Make sure setup.bat is set up to handle the restart argument correctly and that the PowerShell script and batch file are in the same directory for proper execution.