Installing b ber - triplecanopy/b-ber GitHub Wiki

Installing b-ber

These instructions are for installing b-ber via npm using a CLI. For instructions on how to install b-ber for development, please see Installing b-ber for development.

  1. Remove any existing b-ber installations.
$ npm rm -g @canopycanopycanopy/b-ber-cli
  1. Install the latest b-ber packages. For testing out new features, it may be necessary to install canary versions. This can be done by specifying the @canary version on installation (e.g., @canopycanopycanopy/b-ber-cli@canary).
$ npm i -g @canopycanopycanopy/b-ber-cli
  1. Test that bber is available in the CLI.
$ bber
  1. If b-ber is installed correctly, the following will be displayed:
    Usage: bber <command> [options]

    bber new        Start a new project
    bber generate   Create a new chapter. Accepts arguments for metadata.
    bber serve      Preview the publication's contents in a browser
    bber build      Create an EPUB, mobi, PDF, or all file formats

    For more information on a command, enter bber <command> --help

    bber version x.x.x
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