3rd Party Tokens - treeben77/3rd-Factor-Auth. GitHub Wiki

All examples are in Python.


If you are a developer and would like to authenticate the user controlling is the account owner, you can use 3rd Party Tokens. 3rd Party Tokens can be generated using the !token <auth code> <reason(optional)> command. This will generate a unique 24 character code which the user can then provide to you. To receive the data from the token, you can use a HTTP POST Request. Check out this repl for an example, you can use the token 'example'.

token = 'example' #this is the token that you recieved from the user.
request = requests.post("https://3rd-Factor-Auth.treeben77.repl.co/requests", data={'token': str(token)})

The token 'example' should return:

{"token": "example", "user": "3rd Factor Auth.#8789", "id": "836071220024705066", "time": "2021-05-28 16:00:45.671872", "reason": "None"}
Data Example Description
token Q7TnsH5UbARThWnEuPaGWhtN This is the token in question, the token you provided.
user 3rd Factor Auth.#8789 The user that generated the token's name and disriminator.
id 836071220024705066 The user that generated the token's id.
time 2021-05-23 15:26:15.885307 The time provided from datetime.now().
reason Hello World!! Reffer to Reason.

Please note: these tokens never expire, for extra security, use Reason and use the time provided in the data to make an expiry time.

Reason (Improved Security)

You can improve security by adding a reason tag so that that token can only be used on your bot. If you type !token <auth code> "TreeBen77" it will show a as 'TreeBen77'. If the user did not add any reason, it will show as 'None'. This token has the reason 'Hello World!!' and was created with this command: '!token <auth code> 'Hello World!!'

{"token": "example", "user": "3rd Factor Auth.#8789", "id": "836071220024705066", "time": "2021-05-28 16:00:45.671872", "reason": "Hello World!!"}

Full Example

This code should is designed for discord.py.

import discord
import requests, json

prefix = "!"
client = commands.Bot(command_prefix=prefix, intents=discord.Intents().all())

async def verify(ctx, token):
  data = json.loads(requests.post("https://3rd-Factor-Auth.treeben77.repl.co/requests", data={'token': str(token)}).text)
  if ctx.author.id == int(data['id']):
    await ctx.send(f"heya! It's you, {ctx.author} :D")
    await ctx.send(f"bruh you fake...")

client.run('') #token not included.

An example of the above after an successful token:

An example of the code after the correct token.

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