Installation NVIDIA SHIELD - trakt/Plex-Trakt-Scrobbler GitHub Wiki

Table of Contents:

This guide has been derived from third-party sources (forum threads, other guides, etc..), so might have errors or missing information. If you find any problems with this guide please open an issue here.


  • NVIDIA SHIELD (with root access)
    • The instructions say to use su, but if you install the rooted image from Nvidia's developper portal you can use adb root to change adb shell into a root shell. If you choose to go down that path, you will not be able to use su to specify the user and context, so you have to use chcon -R -v u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768 WebTools.bundle/ after coping the folder into it's location to change the context, and chown -R u0_a71:u0_a71 WebTools.bundle/ to change the owner. You should also use chmod to configure the file permissions to be less open. Note that "u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768" is different from the one listed in these instructions, I copied it from the one shown on ls -Z Services.bundle/ from the Plugins folder.
  • Network share (used to copy the plugin onto the device)


See issue #334 for more discussion on how to install the plugin on NVIDIA SHIELD devices.

Install: Unsupported AppStore (v2)

  1. PC: Download the latest release of the WebTools plugin from here

  2. PC: Extract the downloaded ZIP archive and copy the WebTools.bundle folder to your network share

  3. SHIELD: Mount network share via Settings -> Device -> Storage & reset -> Network storage

  4. PC: Open a root shell on your shield device:

    USB (via ADB)

    adb shell

    SSH (via PuTTY or openssh-client, with SSHDroid or SSHelper installed on shield device)


    Note: Ensure you check the shield interface, you may need to grant root access after running the su command.

  5. SHIELD/SHELL: Find the user and context for Plex Media Server:

    ps -Z | grep "com.plexapp.system"

    This command should return a line that looks something like:

    u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a75 [...]
  6. SHIELD/SHELL: Open a new shell as the user and context running Plex Media Server:

    su --context u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a75

    Replace u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 and u0_a75 with the correct values from the previous step

  7. SHIELD/SHELL: Copy the plugin from the network share to the Plug-ins directory:

    cp -r "/storage/<share>/WebTools.bundle" "/data/user/0/com.plexapp.mediaserver.smb/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins/"
  8. SHIELD: Restart device

  9. PC: Open the WebTools interface at http://<SHIELD IP>:33400 or http://<SHIELD IP>:33443 and login with your account

  10. PC: Open the "Unsupported AppStore" module:

  11. PC: Find the "" plugin listed under "Application", and click "Install":

  12. PC: The "" plugin should appear at Plex/Web -> Channels in about one minute. (but can vary depending on the speed of your system)

    If the plugin doesn't appear after waiting a few minutes: the plugin may not be installed correctly, or has crashed on startup. Please post an issue here with the latest plugin log file for support.

  13. PC: Configure the plugin by clicking on the plugin settings button at Plex/Web -> Channels:

Install: Manual

  1. PC: Download the latest release of the plugin

  2. PC: Extract the downloaded ZIP archive and copy the Trakttv.bundle folder to your network share

  3. SHIELD: Mount network share via Settings -> Device -> Storage & reset -> Network storage

  4. PC: Open a root shell on your shield device:

    USB (via ADB)

    adb shell

    SSH (via PuTTY or openssh-client, with SSHDroid or SSHelper installed on shield device)


    Note: Ensure you check the shield interface, you may need to grant root access after running the su command.

  5. SHIELD/SHELL: Find the user and context for Plex Media Server:

    ps -Z | grep "com.plexapp.system"

    This command should return a line that looks something like:

    u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a75 [...]
  6. SHIELD/SHELL: Open a new shell as the user and context running Plex Media Server:

    su --context u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a75

    Replace u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 and u0_a75 with the correct values from the previous step

  7. SHIELD/SHELL: Copy the plugin from the network share to the Plug-ins directory:

    cp -r "/storage/<share>/Trakttv.bundle" "/data/user/0/com.plexapp.mediaserver.smb/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins/"
  8. SHIELD: Restart device

  9. PC: The "" plugin should appear at Plex/Web -> Channels in about one minute. (but can vary depending on the speed of your system)

    If the plugin doesn't appear after waiting a few minutes: the plugin may not be installed correctly, or has crashed on startup. Please post an issue here with the latest plugin log file for support.

  10. PC: Configure the plugin by clicking on the plugin settings button at Plex/Web -> Channels:

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