ZoneDescriptions - torilmud/docs GitHub Wiki

Zone Descriptions

Zone descriptions gives an area writer a new way to tell the story of their area and generate player interest to get them to come to your area. Using the world info <keyword> command displays your zone's name, your name, and the description you come up with for your area. Below are some general guidelines to follow when coming up with a description for your zone:

<Insert guidelines here!>

Adding Zone Descriptions

How you get this information into the game depends on what type of file you're using.

.config files

If you're using the newer .config file you will add the info by adding these three lines:

"maker": "Your zone writer name",
"keywords": "keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, etc",
"description": "Your zone's description",

Note: The keywords key is a single string with a comma separated list inside and not a list made up of several strings separated by commas.

.zon files

If you're using one of the older .zon files the following should be placed after your zone's seasonal settings, but before the start of your zone commands and should look like the example below:

^^ Info
  description = Your zone's description.
  keywords = keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, etc.
  maker = Your_name
^^ Info

Note: The two spaces before description, keywords, and maker are crucial.

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