SubType List - torilmud/docs GitHub Wiki


These are the current SubTypes currently in the game as of Feb 10, 2023. There are a few key subtypes that grant special abilities. Winged will allow the race to fly naturally, Aquatic will grant waterbreathing and swimming ability, and Undead should be used on all undead races. Ultimately, when the code checks to see if a mob is undead for spells and attacks, it will check this subtype.

1. Air

Name     : Air                      
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

2. Angel

Name     : Angel                    
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : Y

3. Augmented

Name     : Augmented                
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

4. Aquatic

Name     : Aquatic                  
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

5. Baatezu

Name     : Baatezu                  
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : Y

6. Chaotic

Name     : Chaotic                  
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

7. Cold

Name     : Cold                     
Unarmd:    0% Slash :    0% Bludgn:    0% Pierce:    0% Range :    0% 
Spells:    0% Fire  :  -50% Cold  :  100% Elect :    0% Acid  :    0% 
Sonic :    0% Poison:    0% Pos   :    0% Neg   :    0% Psi   :    0% 
Mental:    0% Good  :    0% Evil  :    0% Law   :    0% Chaos :    0% 
Force :    0% 
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

8. Earth

Name     : Earth                    
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

9. Electric

Name     : Electric                 
Unarmd:    0% Slash :    0% Bludgn:    0% Pierce:    0% Range :    0% 
Spells:    0% Fire  :    0% Cold  :    0% Elect :  100% Acid  :    0% 
Sonic :    0% Poison:    0% Pos   :    0% Neg   :    0% Psi   :    0% 
Mental:    0% Good  :    0% Evil  :    0% Law   :    0% Chaos :    0% 
Force :    0% 
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

10. Evil

Name     : Evil                     
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

11. Extraplanar

Name     : Extraplanar              
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

12. Fire

Name     : Fire                     
Unarmd:    0% Slash :    0% Bludgn:    0% Pierce:    0% Range :    0% 
Spells:    0% Fire  :  100% Cold  :  -50% Elect :    0% Acid  :    0% 
Sonic :    0% Poison:    0% Pos   :    0% Neg   :    0% Psi   :    0% 
Mental:    0% Good  :    0% Evil  :    0% Law   :    0% Chaos :    0% 
Force :    0% 
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

13. Goblinoid

Name     : Goblinoid                
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

14. Good

Name     : Good                     
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

15. Incorporeal

Name     : Incorporeal              
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

16. Lawful

Name     : Lawful                   
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

17. Native

Name     : Native                   
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

18. Reptilian

Name     : Reptilian                
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

19. Shadow

Name     : Shadow                   
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

20. Shapechanger

Name     : Shapechanger             
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

21. Tanar'ri

Name     : Tanar'ri                 
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : Y

22. Undead

Name     : Undead                   
Unarmd:    0% Slash :    0% Bludgn:    0% Pierce:    0% Range :    0% 
Spells:    0% Fire  :    0% Cold  :    0% Elect :    0% Acid  :    0% 
Sonic :    0% Poison:    0% Pos   : -100% Neg   :    0% Psi   :    0% 
Mental:    0% Good  :    0% Evil  :    0% Law   :    0% Chaos :    0% 
Force :    0% 
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : Y

23. Water

Name     : Water                    
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

24. Winged

Name     : Winged                   
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

25. Yugoloth

Name     : Yugoloth                 
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N

26. Acid

Name     : Acid                     
Unarmd:    0% Slash :    0% Bludgn:    0% Pierce:    0% Range :    0% 
Spells:    0% Fire  :    0% Cold  :    0% Elect :    0% Acid  :  100% 
Sonic :    0% Poison:    0% Pos   :    0% Neg   :    0% Psi   :    0% 
Mental:    0% Good  :    0% Evil  :    0% Law   :    0% Chaos :    0% 
Force :    0% 
Humanoid: N   Animal: N   Hands   : N   Legs    : N
Talk    : N   Heat  : N   No stun : N