Powers Examples - torilmud/docs GitHub Wiki

Power Examples

The following are examples of powers used in the game. Feel free to copy and paste these examples to use them as a root for starting your powers.


      "name": "Bash",
      "alias": "bh",
      "type": "Melee",
      "source": "Martial",
      "attack": "Armor",
      "recharge": 16,
      "restrictSize": 1,
      "implements": [
      "restricts": [
          "name": "Size",
          "value": 1
        "Target Standing",
        "Can See",
      "targets": [
        "Character in room"
      "hitMods": [
          "name": "Level Diff",
          "value": 1
          "name": "Str",
          "value": 20
          "name": "Shield Weight",
          "value": 100
          "name": "Hit Roll",
          "value": 200
      "raceRestrictTarget": [
          "type": "Type",
          "name": "Dragon"
      "effects": [
          "type": "Damage",
          "damageType": "bludgeoning",
          "diceNumber": 4,
          "diceSize": 5,
          "targets": [
            "Character in room"
          "effectMods": [
              "name": "Spiked Shield",
              "value": 200,
              "target": "Modifier"
              "name": "Heavy Shield",
              "value": 150,
              "target": "Modifier"
          "messages": {
            "death": {
              "actor": "$N does not recover from your bash - $E is dead!",
              "target": "As $n bashes at you, you give up living and die...",
              "room": "$N dies after $n has bashed $M."
            "hit": {
              "actor": "&f153Your bash at $N&f153 sends $M sprawling.",
              "target": "&f153$n&f153 sends you sprawling.",
              "room": "&f153$n&f153 sends $N&f153 sprawling with a powerful bash."
            "miss": {
              "actor": "&f153$N&f153 nimbly avoids your powerful shield bash!",
              "target": "&f153You nimbly avoid a powerful shield bash from $n&f153!",
              "room": "&f153$N nimbly avoids a powerful shield bash from $n&f153."
          "type": "Position",
          "position": 2,
          "targets": [
            "Character in room"
          "type": "Lag",
          "duration": 32,
          "targets": [
            "Character in room"
          "type": "Lag",
          "duration": 32,
          "targets": [
          "type": "Lag",
          "duration": 16,
          "targets": [
          "messages": {
            "miss": {
              "actor": "&f153$N&f153 nimbly avoids your powerful shield bash!",
              "target": "&f153You nimbly avoid a powerful shield bash from $n&f153!",
              "room": "&f153$N nimbly avoids a powerful shield bash from $n&f153."

Blazing Beam

      "name": "Blazing Beam",
      "alias": "bb",
      "type": "Spell",
      "attack": "Auto",
      "stack": 1,
      "activate": 12,
      "skill": "spellcast invocation",
      "restricts": [
        "Can Speak"
      "targets": [
        "Character in room"
      "effects": [
          "type": "Damage",
          "damageType": "positive",
          "offensiveLevel": 13,
          "targets": [
            "Character in room"
          "effectMods": [
              "name": "Specialize",
              "value": 100,
              "target": "Modifier"
          "savingThrow": {
            "saveType": "spell",
            "saveMod": 50
          "messages": {
            "death": {
              "actor": "#+WYour #+Yblazing beam#+W blasts a smoldering hole straight through #N$N#+W!#N",
              "target": "$n#+W's #+Yblazing beam#+W blasts a smoldering hole straight through your body!#N",
              "room": "$n#+W's #+Yblazing beam#+W of energy blasts a gaping hole in #N$N#+W's pulverized body!#N"
            "hit": {
              "actor": "$N #+Wshudders in agony as your #+Yblazing beam#+W of energy blasts into $M!#N",
              "target": "#+WYou shudder in agony as#N $n#+W's #+Yblazing beam#N#+W of pure energy blasts into you!#N",
              "room": "$N #+Wshudders in agony as#N $n#+W's #+Yblazing beam#N #+Wof pure energy blasts into $M!#N"
          "type": "Condition",
          "condition": "Blind",
          "duration": 240,
          "targets": [
            "Character in room"
          "savingThrow": {
            "saveType": "spell",
            "saveChance": -2,
            "saveMod": 100
          "messages": {
            "hit": {
              "actor": "$N#+W is blinded by the intense #+Ylight#+W!",
              "target": "#+WYou are blinded by the intense #+Ylight#+W!",
              "room": "$N#+W is blinded by the intense #+Ylight#+W!"
            "expire": {
              "actor": "#cwThe intense light fades and you can see clearly again."


      "name": "Earthblood",
      "alias": "eb",
      "type": "Spell",
      "attack": "Auto",
      "stack": 1,
      "activate": 8,
      "skill": "spellcast elemental",
      "restricts": [
        "Can Speak"
      "targets": [
        "Character in room"
      "triggers": [
      "raceRestrictTarget": [
          "type": "Type",
          "name": "Dragon"
          "type": "Type",
          "name": "Plant"
          "type": "Type",
          "name": "Construct"
          "type": "Type",
          "name": "Elemental"
          "type": "Type",
          "name": "Ooze"
      "effects": [
          "type": "Damage",
          "damageType": "poison",
          "offensiveLevel": 16,
          "targets": [
            "Character in room"
          "effectMods": [
              "name": "Specialize",
              "value": 100,
              "target": "Modifier"
          "savingThrow": {
            "saveType": "spell",
            "saveMod": 50
          "messages": {
            "death": {
              "actor": "$N#+y bursts apart in a spray of #+Lgrimy dirt#N#+y and collapses to the ground, dead.#N",
              "target": "#+yYou burst apart in a spray of #+Lgrimy dirt#N#+y and collapses to the ground, dead.#N",
              "room": "$N#+y bursts apart in a spray of #+Lgrimy dirt#N#+y and collapses to the ground, dead.#N"
            "hit": {
              "actor": "$N#+y convulses in agony as you transmute $S blood into #+Ldirt#N#+y!",
              "target": "#+yYou convulse in agony as $n transmutes your blood into #+Ldirt#N#+y!",
              "room": "$N#+y convulses in agony as $n transmutes $S blood into #+Ldirt#N#+y!"
          "type": "Status",
          "duration": 120,
          "statusFlags": [
            "major paralysis"
          "targets": [
            "Character in room"
          "savingThrow": {
            "saveType": "paralysis",
            "saveChance": -4,
            "saveMod": 100
          "messages": {
            "hit": {
              "actor": "$N#+y ceases to move as $S body is overcome with #+Lelemental earth#N!",
              "target": "#+yYou are unable to move as your joints and muscles solidify#N",
              "room": "$N#+y ceases to move as $S body is overcome with #+Lelemental earth#N!"
          "raceRestrict": [
              "type": "Type",
              "name": "Dragon"

Full Heal

      "name": "Full Heal",
      "type": "Spell",
      "attack": "Legacy",
      "activate": 24,
      "skill": "spellcast healing",
      "restricts": [
        "Can Speak"
      "targets": [
        "Character in room"
      "effects": [
          "type": "Heal",
          "diceNumber": 300,
          "diceSize": 1,
          "targets": [
            "Character in room"
          "effectMods": [
              "name": "Specialize",
              "value": 100,
              "target": "Modifier"
          "messages": {
            "hit": {
              "actor": "#+WYou summon a holy #N#cclight #N#+Wto surround #N$N#+W and close $S #N#+rwounds#+W.#N",
              "target": "#+WYour feel a rush of warmth as your #crwounds#cW are healed.#N",
              "room": "$n#+W summons a holy #N#cclight #N#+Wto surround #N$N#+W and close $S #N#+rwounds#+W.#N"
          "type": "Remove Condition",
          "condition": "Blind",
          "statusFlags": [
          "targets": [
            "Character in room"
          "messages": {
            "hit": {
              "target": "#cWYour vision returns!#N"

Furious Assault

      "name": "Furious Assault",
      "alias": "fa",
      "type": "Melee",
      "attack": "Constitution",
      "recharge": 360,
      "implements": [
      "restricts": [
        "Can See"
      "targets": [
        "Character in room"
      "hitMods": [
          "name": "Level Diff",
          "value": 1
          "name": "Str",
          "value": 20
      "effects": [
          "type": "Implement Damage",
          "repeat": 1,
          "targets": [
            "Character in room"
          "implements": [
          "effectOptions": [
            "Implement Damage"
          "effectMods": [
              "name": "Base Percent",
              "value": 300,
              "target": "Modifier"
          "messages": {
            "death": {
              "actor": "#f240You assault #N$N#f240 with #f196fu#f088rious #f196ra#f088ge#f240, striking $M down!",
              "target": "#f240$n assaults you with #f196fu#f088rious #f196ra#f088ge#f240, striking you down!",
              "room": "#f240$n assaults #N$N#f240 with #f196fu#f088rious #f196ra#f088ge#f240, striking $M down!"
            "hit": {
              "actor": "#f240You attack #N$N#f240 with #f088mons#f196trous f#f088ury#f240!",
              "target": "#f240$n attacks you with #f088mons#f196trous f#f088ury#f240!",
              "room": "#f240$n attacks #N$N#f240 with #f088mons#f196trous f#f088ury#f240!"
          "type": "Attack",
          "repeat": 1,
          "targets": [
            "Character in room",
          "implements": [
            "Primary Weapon"


      "name": "Fireball",
      "alias": "fbl",
      "type": "Spell",
      "attack": "Auto",
      "activate": 12,
      "skill": "spellcast invocation",
      "restricts": [
        "No Underwater",
        "Can Speak"
      "targets": [
        "Character in room"
      "effects": [
          "type": "Damage",
          "radius": "Small",
          "disperse": "Wave",
          "damageType": "fire",
          "offensiveLevel": 11,
          "targets": [
            "Character in room"
          "effectMods": [
              "name": "Specialize",
              "value": 100,
              "target": "Modifier"
          "savingThrow": {
            "saveType": "spell",
            "saveMod": 50
          "messages": {
            "init": {
              "actor": "#crYou throw a #cRfireball at #N$N!"
            "death": {
              "actor": "#+rYour #+Rfireball#N#+r explodes into #N$N#N#+r with full force, causing a fiery death.#N",
              "target": "#+r$n stands over your now #+Lsmoking#N#+r corpse, the heat from $s #+Rfireball#N#+r slowly dissipating off your body.#N",
              "room": "#+rThe heat from #N$n#N#+r's #+Rfireball#N#+r turns #N$N#N#+r into a smoking, charred corpse.#N"
            "hit": {
              "actor": "#crYour fireball burns and chars #N$N#cr's flesh.#N",
              "target": "#+rA huge #+Rfireball#N#+r flies into your chest, leaving a huge burn mark and the acrid smell of burnt flesh.#N",
              "room": "$n #+rwatches with a smile as $s huge flaming #+Rball#N#+r of #+Rfire#N#+r slams into $N.#N"


      "name": "Haste",
      "alias": "hs",
      "type": "Spell",
      "attack": "Legacy",
      "activate": 16,
      "skill": "spellcast enchantment",
      "restricts": [
        "Can Speak"
      "targets": [
        "Character in room"
      "effects": [
          "type": "Status",
          "duration": 960,
          "statusFlags": [
          "targets": [
            "Character in room"
          "effectOptions": [
            "Modify Duration"
          "effectMods": [
              "name": "Specialize",
              "value": 100,
              "target": "Duration"
          "messages": {
            "hit": {
              "actor": "$N #+Rstarts to move with uncanny speed!",
              "target": "#+RYou feel your heart start to race REALLY FAST!",
              "room": "$N #+Rstarts to move with uncanny speed!"
            "expire": {
              "actor": "#+rThe world speeds up around you.#N"

Holy Word

      "_id": "51d98a05a684bb0a62000002",
      "name": "Holy Word",
      "alias": "hw",
      "type": "Spell",
      "source": "Divine",
      "attack": "Auto",
      "stack": 1,
      "inputType": 1,
      "skill": "spellcast invocation",
      "restricts": [
        "Can Speak",
        "Target Evil"
      "targets": [
        "Character in room"
      "triggers": [
      "effects": [
          "type": "Death",
          "radius": "Huge",
          "targets": [
            "Character in room"
          "restricts": [
              "name": "Level Percent",
              "value": 33
          "type": "Condition",
          "radius": "Huge",
          "condition": "Stun",
          "duration": 16,
          "targets": [
            "Character in room"
          "effectMods": [
              "name": "Random Multiplier Max",
              "value": 2,
              "target": "Duration"
              "name": "Random Multiplier Min",
              "value": 1,
              "target": "Duration"
          "savingThrow": {
            "saveType": "constitution",
            "saveMod": 100
          "type": "Damage",
          "radius": "Huge",
          "damageType": "good",
          "offensiveLevel": 13,
          "targets": [
            "Character in room"
          "savingThrow": {
            "saveType": "spell",
            "saveMod": 50
          "messages": {
            "death": {
              "actor": "$N &+Wdies instantly from the power of your &+Yholy &+Wword.&N",
              "target": "&+WYou hear a &+Yword&+W of &+Ypower&+W, and die instantly.&N",
              "room": "$N &N&+Whears $n&+W's &+Yword&+W of &+Ypower&+W, and nothing more.&N"
            "hit": {
              "actor": "&+WYou send &N$N&N&+W reeling with your &+Yword&N&+W of &+Ypower&+W.&N",
              "target": "&+WYou are sent reeling by $n&+W's &+Yholy&+W word.&N",
              "room": "$n &+Wsends &N$N&N&+W reeling with a &+Yholy &+Wword.&N"
          "type": "Status",
          "radius": "Huge",
          "duration": 240,
          "statusFlags": [
            "major paralysis"
          "targets": [
            "Character in room"
          "restricts": [
              "name": "Level Percent",
              "value": 50
          "effectMods": [
              "name": "Specialize",
              "value": 100,
              "target": "Duration"
          "savingThrow": {
            "saveType": "paralysis",
            "saveMod": 100
          "messages": {
            "hit": {
              "actor": "$N #+Mceases to move.. still and lifeless.",
              "target": "#+LYour body becomes like stone as the paralyzation takes effect.",
              "room": "$N #+Mceases to move.. still and lifeless."
          "type": "Status",
          "radius": "Huge",
          "duration": 480,
          "statusFlags": [
          "targets": [
            "Character in room"
          "restricts": [
              "name": "Level Percent",
              "value": 50
          "effectMods": [
              "name": "Specialize",
              "value": 100,
              "target": "Duration"
          "savingThrow": {
            "saveType": "spell",
            "saveMod": 100
          "messages": {
            "hit": {
              "actor": "$N &N&+Lseems to be blinded!&N",
              "target": "&+LYou have been blinded!&N",
              "room": "$N &N&+Lseems to be blinded!&N"
          "type": "Status",
          "radius": "Huge",
          "chance": 25,
          "duration": 240,
          "statusFlags": [
            "major paralysis"
          "targets": [
            "Character in room"
          "restricts": [
              "name": "Level Difference",
              "value": -10
          "effectMods": [
              "name": "Specialize",
              "value": 100,
              "target": "Duration"
          "savingThrow": {
            "saveType": "paralysis",
            "saveMod": 100
          "messages": {
            "hit": {
              "actor": "$N #+Mceases to move.. still and lifeless. -10 level",
              "target": "#+LYour body becomes like stone as the paralyzation takes effect.",
              "room": "$N #+Mceases to move.. still and lifeless."
          "type": "Condition",
          "radius": "Huge",
          "condition": "Blind",
          "chance": 25,
          "duration": 480,
          "statusFlags": [
          "targets": [
            "Character in room"
          "restricts": [
              "name": "Level Difference",
              "value": -10
          "effectMods": [
              "name": "Specialize",
              "value": 100,
              "target": "Duration"
          "savingThrow": {
            "saveType": "spell",
            "saveMod": 100
          "messages": {
            "hit": {
              "actor": "$N &N&+Lseems to be blinded!&N - 10 level",
              "target": "&+LYou have been blinded!&N",
              "room": "$N &N&+Lseems to be blinded!&N"


        "name": "Inferno",
        "alias": "inf",
        "type": "Spell",
        "attack": "Auto",
        "stack": 1,
        "activate": 40,
        "skill": "spellcast invocation",
        "restricts": [
          "No Underwater",
          "Can Speak"
        "targets": [
          "Character in room"
        "triggers": [
        "effects": [
            "type": "Damage",
            "radius": "Huge",
            "disperse": "Full",
            "damageType": "fire",
            "offensiveLevel": 18,
            "targets": [
              "Character in room"
            "effectMods": [
                "name": "Specialize",
                "value": 100,
                "target": "Modifier"
            "messages": {
              "init": {
                "actor": "#+LThe area explodes in a massive #N#+rIN#+RFER#N#+rNO#+L of heat and flames!",
                "room": "#+LThe area erupts in a massive #N#+rIN#+RFER#N#+rNO#+L of heat and flames!"
              "death": {
                "actor": "#+LYour #+Rin#+Yfer#+Rno#+L immolates#N $N#+L to a charred crisp.",
                "target": "#cL$n's #crdev#cRastat#cring #cRi#crnferno! chars you to a crisp!",
                "room": "$n immolates $N to a charred crisp with $s #crdev#cRastat#cring #cRi#crnferno!"
              "hit": {
                "actor": "#cLYou char #N$N#cL with your #crdev#cRastat#cring #cRi#crnferno!",
                "target": "#cLYour skin bubbles and burns from #N$n#cL's #crdev#cRastat#cring #cRi#crnferno!",
                "room": "$N #cLbursts into red hot flames from #N$n#cL's #crdev#cRastat#cring #cRi#crnferno!"
            "type": "Remove Status",
            "radius": "Huge",
            "targets": [
              "Character in room"
            "values": [
            "messages": {
              "hit": {
                "actor": "#+cThe coldshield around #N$N#N#+c explodes in a shower of frost!",
                "target": "#+cThe coldshield around you explodes in a shower of stinging frost!",
                "room": "#+cThe coldshield around #N$N#N#+c explodes in a shower of frost!"
            "type": "Damage",
            "radius": "Huge",
            "disperse": "Full",
            "damageType": "fire",
            "chain": 1,
            "diceNumber": 10,
            "diceSize": 5,
            "targets": [
              "Character in room"
            "messages": {
              "death": {
                "actor": "#+LYour #+Rin#+Yfer#+Rno#+L immolates#N $N#+L to a charred crisp.",
                "target": "#cL$n's #crdev#cRastat#cring #cRi#crnferno! chars you to a crisp!",
                "room": "$n immolates $N to a charred crisp with $s #crdev#cRastat#cring #cRi#crnferno!"
            "type": "Timer",
            "radius": "Huge",
            "group": 1,
            "targets": [
              "Character in room"
            "timer": {
              "timerDuration": 16,
              "timerCycles": 4,
              "timerOptions": [
            "messages": {
              "timerExpire": {
                "actor": "#+LThe#N#+r flames#N#+L engulfing #N$N#+L subside.",
                "target": "#+LThe #N#+rflames#+L consuming your body finally subside.#N",
                "room": "#+LThe#N#+r flames#N#+L engulfing #N$N#+L subside."
            "type": "Damage",
            "damageType": "fire",
            "group": 1,
            "diceNumber": 5,
            "diceSize": 5,
            "targets": [
              "Character in room"
            "messages": {
              "death": {
                "actor": "#crThe #cRflames#cr engulfing $N finally overwhelm $M!",
                "target": "#crThe #cRflames#cr engulfing you finally overwhelm you!",
                "room": "#crThe #cRflames#cr engulfing $N finally overwhelm $M!"
              "hit": {
                "target": "#+RThe flames engulfing you burn your flesh!"

Magic Missile

      "name": "Magic Missile",
      "alias": "mg",
      "type": "Spell",
      "attack": "Auto",
      "activate": 4,
      "skill": "spellcast invocation",
      "restricts": [
        "Can Speak"
      "targets": [
        "Character in room"
      "effects": [
          "type": "Damage",
          "damageType": "force",
          "offensiveLevel": 1,
          "targets": [
            "Character in room"
          "values": [
          "effectMods": [
              "name": "Specialize",
              "value": 100,
              "target": "Modifier"
          "savingThrow": {
            "saveType": "spell",
            "saveMod": 50
          "messages": {
            "death": {
              "actor": "The magic missile tears away the remaining life of $N.",
              "target": "You only have time to notice $n uttering strange sounds before everything is dark.",
              "room": "The magic missile sent by $n causes $N to stagger and collapse in a lifeless heap."
            "hit": {
              "actor": "You watch with self-pride as the #+Ymagic missile#N hits $N.",
              "target": "You stagger as a #+Ymagic missile#N from $n hits you.",
              "room": "$n throws a #+Ymagic missile#N at $N, who staggers under the blow."