Guildhalls - torilmud/docs GitHub Wiki

Pricing Guide for Player-created Guildhalls

Before you begin creation you should note that all Guildhall content must obey the normal area creation content expectations. This means that everything in your Guildhall should be appropriate to TorilMUD's theme. Also this means that the writing should be tasteful. Use appropriate capitalization and grammar.


Can I make XP mobs in my Guildhall?

  • No, there is no exp in Guildhalls and this will be nerfed in the ZON file.

Can I make an automaton for practice?

  • Yes you can, via the purchased mobs option.

Can I have a shop?

  • Yes there is an option to purchase shopkeepers for your Guildhall. The items they sell must be identical to items sold in shops elsewhere in game, and will have a price of 150% the cost of the item in its traditional shop. The item can be named whatever you want.

Can I put my Guildhall anywhere I want in the game?

  • No. The location of your Guildhall is up to you, but the choice is subject to Staff approval. Generally it will not be allowed to connect to an actual zone, so usually global roads are where it will connect. Also note that Guildhalls can only have one exit.

Price Charts

Rooms Cost
Basic Room 10k
Mobs Cost
Basic Mob 10k
Entry guardian ?
qst dialogue 0
Innkeeper ?
qst dialogue 0
Items Cost
Badge ?
Other Cost
Teleport Beacon 50k