Generic Objects - torilmud/docs GitHub Wiki

Generic Objects

The following are "generic" items which have been pre-made that you can load into your zone if you want to give a mob a weapon or a piece of armor or whatever. Note that you do not have to put these objects in your .obj file. Just load them in your .zon file based on their vnum WITH A MAXLOAD OF 999 so that you don't mess with anyone else's loads. More will come in the future.


Vnum short name description
7900 a guard's longsword slash for 1d7
7901 a double-bladed axe slash for 1d9
7902 a short sword slash for 1d5
7903 a longsword slash for 1d7
7904 a steel longsword slash for 1d8
7905 a steel warhammer bludgeon for 1d5
7906 a mithril battle hammer crush for 1d6
7907 a gray lump of rock bludgeon for 1d4
7908 a mace bludgeon for 1d6
7909 a steel dagger pierce for 1d4
7910 a thin dagger pierce for 1d5
7911 a curved dagger pierce for 1d3
7912 a simple wooden spear pierce for 1d5
7913 a slave whip whip for 1d6
7914 a cruel whip whip for 1d5
7915 a two-handed axe 2h slash for 1d8
7916 a halberd 2h slash for 2d6
7917 a flail 2h crush for 2d4
7918 a greatsword 2h slash for 2d6
7919 a stone club 2h cursh for 2d6
7963 wooden longbow 1d6, dur 5
7964 quiver holds 30, wt 5
7965 steel tipped arrow 1d6, wt 0
7968 a scimitar slash for 2d5
7969 an oak staff bludgeon for 1d8
7970 a stone 2d4, wt 1
7971 a heavy cavas sack (quiver) holds 30, wt 1
7972 a composite longbow 1d10, dur 8
7973 an eelskin quiver holds 45, wt 3
7974 a barbed arrow 1d8, wt 0
7975 a throwing axe 2d5, wt 3
7976 a light crossbow 2d4, wt 3 (BROKEN)
7977 a light crossbow quarrel 1d6, wt 0 (BROKEN)


Vnum short name description
7920 a blue and white heater shield ac7
7921 a red and white kite shield ac6
7922 a studded leather helm ac3
7923 a leather tunic ac2
7924 some leather boots ac3
7925 some studded leather pants ac3
7926 a strong leather shield ac5
7927 some fine leather gloves ac3
7928 some padded leather sleeves ac2
7929 a steel breastplate ac9
7930 a cloth jerkin ac3
7931 a pair of steel-tipped boots ac4
7932 some iron-plated boots ac3
7933 a chainmail shirt ac5
7934 a chainmail coif ac4
7935 some chainmail leggings ac5
7936 some chainmail sleeves ac4
7937 a pair of iron gauntlets ac3
7938 a round steel shield ac5
7939 a simple wooden shield ac4
7940 a bronze breastplate ac6
7941 a pair of bronze leg guards ac6
7942 a set of bronze gauntlets ac3
7943 a pair of bronze sleeves ac6
7944 some bronze arm plates ac7
7945 a bronze helmet ac6

Misc Items

Vnum short name description
7946 some iron rations make full: 24
7947 some dried beef make full: 18
7948 a loaf of bread make full: 12
7949 a raft 75 lb. boat
7950 a canoe 32 lb. boat
7951 a leather skin drink container
7952 a small barrel drink container
7953 a scroll of identify
7954 some lockpicks
7955 a quill
7956 a spellbook basic 80-page spellbook
7957 a wooden torch 12 hour light source
7958 a torch 24 hour light source
7959 a small fountain
7960 a large fountain
7961 a marble fountain
7962 a metallic gray potion armor potion
7966 a sheet of paper
7967 a pencil