Conditions - torilmud/docs GitHub Wiki


  • Stun - Target is unable to perform a lot of common actions.
  • Blind - Target can't see a thing.
  • Dazzled - Not quite blind, but can't see fully. target takes a big penalty to hit.
  • Deafened - Target can't hear fully, which makes it hard to cast spells that they can't hear themselves speak the words to.
  • Shaken - The target is a little afraid, to the extent that it affects their saves and hit roll in combat, but not enough to limit any actions. This is the first level of fear, and it upgrades to frightened
  • Frightened - The target is really frightened, taking big negatives to hitroll and saves, and also can't cast spells or perform combat actions.
  • Panicked - The target has had enough! The level of fear has increased to the point at which the target has no choice but to attempt to flee. After one attempt, the fear subsides back down to frightened state.
  • Weakened - The target's melee damage is reduced by the modifier. This conditions stacks both duration and modifier.
  • Dazed - target becomes easier to hit
  • Vulnerable - The target takes increased physical damage by 20%. Stacks up to 3x
  • Slow - Same as affect slow.