update.BerlinWorkshop1 - tooll3/t3 GitHub Wiki

Tooll3 Berlin Workshop #1

Sunday, Dec, 10th 11am

We're organizing a hands on workshop in Berlin.

If you're interested, you need to register by contacting pixtur on discord. We've a maximum of 6 seats. First come first serve.

If you can't make it at 12:00 you can join later. We will close the event at 10pm.

We will cover...

  • Setup and installation
  • Introduction to the user interface
  • Procedural animation
  • Keyframe animation
  • Images effects
  • 3D effects
  • Setups for VJ acts and connecting OSC, Midi, etc
  • Building an executable

For advanced users we will show ...

  • How to write compute and pixels shaders
  • How to write new Operatirs with c#

After a short introduction we will use a random prompt build small personal demos projects and close the event with short show and tell.


  • You need to print a Windows desktop or notebook with a good graphics cards (Sorry, no Macs) and probably a mouse. We have plenty of displays.
  • You can prepare by downloading and installing these requirements If this looks too intimidating, don't worry, we can do this together on-site.
  • If you're curious, you can also bring Midi-Adaptors or other sensors.
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