lib.point.particles.ReconstructiveForce - tooll3/t3 GitHub Wiki


in lib.point.particles

Blends the simulation particle points toward the original matching emit points.

Note: The effect is likely to produce unpredictable results if the number of emit points does not match the number of simulation points.

Input Parameters

Name (Relevancy & Type) Description
VolumeCenter (Vector3) -
VolumeStretch (Vector3) -
VolumeScale (Single) -
VolumeRotate (Vector3) -
FallOff (Single) -
Bias (Single) -
Strength (Single) -
DistanceMode (Int32) -
TargetPoints (BufferWithViewsRequired) -
GizmoVisibility (GizmoVisibility) -


Name Type
ParticleSystem T3.Core.DataTypes.ParticleSystem

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⚠ Everything else is automatically generated and will be overwritten regularly.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️