lib.point.particles.ParticleSystem - tooll3/t3 GitHub Wiki


in lib.point.particles

Emits particles on emit points and applies the connected forces.

Some of the forces uses the partcile radius for collision calcuation. The radius is set on emit time by the emit point W attribute and the RadiusFromW factor. For consistency we aligned that factor with the default point size for [DrawPoints] which renders points with a radius of 1/100 units..

Please check the howto linked below [HowToUseParticles].

Input Parameters

Name (Relevancy & Type) Description
EmitPoints (BufferWithViewsRequired) -
Emit (Boolean) -
Reset (Boolean) -
MaxParticleCount (Int32) -
InitialVelocity (Single) -
RadiusFromW (Single) -
Speed (Single) -
OrientTowardsVelocity (Single) -
Drag (Single) -
AgingRate (Single) -
MaxAge (Single) -
SetWTo (Int32) -
ParticleEffects (ParticleSystemRelevant) -
EmitMode (Int32) -


Name Type
OutBuffer T3.Core.DataTypes.BufferWithViews

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⚠ Everything else is automatically generated and will be overwritten regularly.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️