lib.point.particles.ParticleCollisionForce - tooll3/t3 GitHub Wiki
A simple similation of sphere collision between points. The radius of the points is the defined on emit by the [ParticleSystem]'s PointRadiusW factor.
Some recommendation:
- Try to increase the radius (either by increasing the emit points W attribute or the radius factor) and adjust the [DrawPoints] radius accordingly.
- Try to increase [ParticleSystem] damping.
Name (Relevancy & Type) | Description |
CellSize (Single) | - |
Bounciness (Single) | - |
Attraction (Single) | - |
IsEnabled (Boolean) | - |
AttractionDecay (Single) | - |
CollistionResolve (Single) | - |
Name | Type |
Particles | T3.Core.DataTypes.ParticleSystem |
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