lib.point.helper.LoadObjAsPoints - tooll3/t3 GitHub Wiki


in lib.point.helper

Loads an OBJ point cloud file. These files can be generated with Blender or MeshLab and can contain color information.

You can use selected operators like [DrawBillboards] that can use the point rotation attribute (XYZW) as RGBA. This is a hack.

You can also use the [LineVertices] mode to import OBJ files with line definitions and draw them as lines like so: [LoadObjAsPoints]->[PrepareSvgLineTransition]->[ListToBuffer]->[DrawLinesBuildup]

Input Parameters

Name (Relevancy & Type) Description
Path (String) -
Mode (Int32) -
Sorting (Int32) -


Name Type
Points T3.Core.DataTypes.StructuredList

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