lib.point.draw.DrawLinesBuildup - tooll3/t3 GitHub Wiki


in lib.point.draw

Renders incoming points as growing strokes. The points' W attribute encodes the U progress of the extension of the strokes.

This operator requires a texture with a [LinearGradient] that is transparent at the ends.

Another approach would be [SvgToPoints]->[PrepareSvgLineTransition]->[ListToBuffer]->[DrawLinesBuildup].

Input Parameters

Name (Relevancy & Type) Description
GPoints (BufferWithViewsRequired) -
Color (Vector4) -
LineWidth (Single) -
ShrinkWithDistance (Single) -
TransitionProgress (Single) -
VisibleRange (Single) -
Texture_ (Texture2D) -
EnableTest (Boolean) -
EnableDepthWrite (Boolean) -
BlendMod (Int32) -


Name Type
Output T3.Core.DataTypes.Command

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