lib.img.generate.LinearGradient - tooll3/t3 GitHub Wiki
Renders a linear color ramp defined by a gradient. This can be very useful in combination with [Steps].
Name (Relevancy & Type) | Description |
Image (Texture2D) | - |
Gradient (Gradient) | - |
Center (Vector2) | - |
Rotation (Single) | - |
Size (Single) | - |
Offset (Single) | - |
PingPong (Boolean) | - |
Repeat (Boolean) | - |
Bias (Single) | - |
Resolution (Int2) | - |
SizeMode (Int32) | - |
OffsetMode (Int32) | - |
GenerateMips (Boolean) | - |
BlendMode (Int32) | - |
Name | Type |
TextureOutput | SharpDX.Direct3D11.Texture2D |
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