lib.img.fx.AsciiRender - tooll3/t3 GitHub Wiki


in lib.img.fx

Draws the incoming image as shaded ASCII characters, similar to 'The Matrix'.

Tip: You can connect [AnimVec2] with the 'Endless vertical' to the offset.

Input Parameters

Name (Relevancy & Type) Description
ImageA (Texture2DRequired) -
Fill (Vector4) -
Background (Vector4) -
Offset (Vector2) -
FontCharSize (Int2) -
ScaleFactor (Single) -
Bias (Single) -
Resolution (Int2) -
FontFilePath (String) -
FilterCharacters (String) -
MixInColors (Single) -
Randomize (Single) -
GenerateMips (Boolean) -


Name Type
Output SharpDX.Direct3D11.Texture2D

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⚠ Everything else is automatically generated and will be overwritten regularly.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️