lib.img.adjust.ColorGrade - tooll3/t3 GitHub Wiki


in lib.img.adjust

Adjusts the color grading of the incoming image for the Gain (highlights), Gamma (mid-tones), and Lift (shadows).

Gray values are neutral. Alpha can be used to amplify the effect. Vignette color, size, and position can be used for additional effects.


  • blending by hovering over presets while holding the ALT key.
  • dragging the parameter color swatches vertically with the left and right mouse button to quickly adjust brightness and alpha.
  • adding a [WaveForm2] operator to visualize the image properties.

Also consider using [AdjustColors].

Input Parameters

Name (Relevancy & Type) Description
Texture2d (Texture2DRequired) -
PreSaturate (Single) -
Gain (Vector4) -
Gamma (Vector4) -
Lift (Vector4) -
VignetteColor (Vector4) -
VignetteRadius (Single) -
VignetteFeather (Single) -
VignetteCenter (Vector2) -
GenerateMipmaps (Boolean) -
ClampResult (Boolean) -


Name Type
Output SharpDX.Direct3D11.Texture2D

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