lib.anim.TriggerAnim - tooll3/t3 GitHub Wiki


in lib.anim

Generate interactive animation values than can be triggered with a boolean value. It offers a variety of shapes and modes.


  • Hold CTRL to directly manipulate rate and shape in the graph.
  • Have a look at [HowToAnimate] to get some ideas on how to use this.

An example setup might be:


Input Parameters

Name (Relevancy & Type) Description
Trigger (BooleanRelevant) -
Shape (Int32) -
AnimMode (Int32) -
Duration (Single) -
StartValue (Single) -
EndValue (Single) -
Delay (Single) -
Bias (Single) -
TimeMode (Int32) -


Name Type
Result System.Single
HasCompleted System.Boolean

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⚠ Everything else is automatically generated and will be overwritten regularly.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️