lib.3d.draw.DustParticles - tooll3/t3 GitHub Wiki


in lib.3d.draw

Draws points that repeated wrapped and animated around the current camera position.

Tip: This effect can be combined with [SetFog].

Input Parameters

Name (Relevancy & Type) Description
Count (Int32) -
Color (Vector4) -
Size (Single) -
WrapSize (Single) -
NoiseAmount (Single) -
NoiseFrequency (Single) -
NoiseVariation (Single) -
Phase (Single) -
TrailLength (Int32) -
TrailColor (Vector4) -
TrailWidth (Single) -
Reset (Boolean) -
Gravity (Vector3) -
OffsetVolume (Vector3) -
FadeNearest (Single) -
EnableZWrite (Boolean) -
BlendMode (Int32) -
Texture_ (Texture2D) -


Name Type
Output T3.Core.DataTypes.Command

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