Modifying Limesuite driver - tomyummmm/Gen2-UHF-RFID-Reader GitHub Wiki

Below are the required modification on the Limesuite drivers

NCO Tuning error

Any error in tuning the base-band frequency is done by the numerically-controlled oscillator(NCO), however this causes an distortion in the signal generated. This distortion is removed by setting the NCO tuning value to be zero. This is done by setting frequency to be zero when setting NCO frequency for base-band under the function SoapyLMS7::setFrequency in Settings.cpp. Settings.cpp can be found via Limesuite > SoapyLMS7 > Settings.cpp.

Screenshot from 2022-04-30 16-21-56

Changing performance latency

Latency is required to be reduced in order to meet the timeout requirements of the EPCGen2V2. To achieve that the performance latency is set to 0 under the function SoapySDR::Stream *SoapyLMS7::setupStream in Streaming.cpp. Streaming.cpp can be found via Limesuite > SoapyLMS7 > Streaming.cpp.

Screenshot from 2022-04-30 17-33-30