Important note on using GNU Radio Companion (GRC) custom block for modification and testing purposes (i.e. RFID gate, tag decoder and reader) - tomyummmm/Gen2-UHF-RFID-Reader GitHub Wiki

Starting with release 3.8, YAML replaces XML as the file format for GNU Radio Companion.

Modifying YAML.yml File

Open and modify the .yml file with a text editor or use vim command (e.g. rfid_tag_decoder)

$ vim rfid_tag_decoder.block.yml

The following YAML is displayed:


If using vim command: Press "I" on the keyboard to insert/modify text and press Esc key to leave.


If using vim command: Hold Shift and press Z twice to close and save your changes.


'file_format' specifies the version of the GRC yml format used in the file and should usually not be changed.

The YAML file (rfid_tag_decoder.block.yml) needs to be updated to match the that was just modified. For example: Number of input/output ports, data types, etc.

Steps on Compiling and Installing the Block

In the top-level directory of gr-rfid, create a build directory:

$ mkdir build

Move into the build directory.

$ cd build

Run CMake which will prepare the makefiles:

$ cmake ..

Compile the module:

$ make

Install the module with sudo:

sudo make install

Multiple files will now be installed..

Run ldconfig to update the linking for the rfid library:

$ sudo ldconfig

Making Changes

It is suggested to recompile and reinstall the module any time a change is made, followed by reloading the block library in GRC. This includes changes such as:

  • Number of parameters
  • Type of parameters
  • Number of input ports or output ports
  • Types of input ports or output ports
  • Modifying the YAML.yml file
  • Modifying any .h or .cc files