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Community Service Software Engineering Project

Made by : Tomer Yehezkely, Yosef Ben Shalom, and Inbar Levy

About the Association The Lev Ha'Ir Community Administration, part of the national community centers company, serves the residents of the Nachlaot, Mahane Yehuda Market, City Center, and Mishkenot Ha'uma areas. The community administration's activities are influenced by its unique location in the city center, which impacts the entire city.

The main complaint from the community administration managers was that the volunteer registration system was inconvenient and inefficient. Some of the registration was done manually by the secretariat, highlighting the need for an organized registration page to address several requirements.

About Our Project In our project, we will create a registration page that allows volunteers to enter their personal details and select a preferred volunteer area. Their details will then be saved in the database, and a National Insurance form will be automatically filled out for them. Once the community administration manager approves the volunteer, this form will be sent to the National Insurance Institute, and the volunteer will receive an email with a link to the WhatsApp group for their chosen volunteer activity.

The main challenge, in our opinion, is learning new programming languages while building the project, as well as connecting the community administration's system to the National Insurance system and sending emails to volunteers.