Functional and Non‐Functional Requirements - tomerye11/project-for-community GitHub Wiki

Functional Requirements :

  1. Filling out the registration form - The system should allow volunteers to fill out a digital registration form with personal details and areas of volunteer interest.
  2. Storing details in a database - Volunteer details should be securely stored in a database.
  3. Automatic filling of National Insurance form - The system should automatically fill out the National Insurance form using existing data in the database.
  4. Submission of Police Clearance form - The system should allow the addition of a Police Clearance form for male volunteers working with children.
  5. Sending messages to volunteers - The system should be capable of sending WhatsApp group links and renewal emails to volunteers.

Non-Functional Requirements :

  1. Security - The system should be secure to maintain the privacy of information and protect user data.
  2. Multi-device support - The system should function properly on various devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers.
  3. Maximum loading time - The loading time should not exceed 5 seconds under standard network conditions.