Useful Git commands - tomas-fryza/vhdl-course GitHub Wiki

Command Example Description
clone git clone Create a local copy of a remote repository
pull git pull Update local repository and working folder to the newest commit
status git status Display the state of the working directory and the staging area
git status -s Give the output in the short-format
add git add main.c Add main.c file to the staging area
git add -A Add all new and changed files to the staging area
commit git commit -m "[LAB] VHDL testbench added" Commit changes, i.e. record changes to the local repository
push git push Push changes to remote repository
fetch git fetch Downloads new data from a remote repository to local repository but doesn't integrate into working files
merge git merge Approves merge changes with local repository
log git log --summary View detailed changes
git log --oneline View changes (briefly)


A detailed description of all git commands can be found here.

Using branches

Command Example Description
branch git branch -a List all local and remote branches (asterisk denotes the current branch)
git branch -d <existing_local_branch> Delete local branch
git push origin --delete <existing_remote_branch> Delete remote branch
checkout git checkout <existing_branch> Switch branch
git checkout -b <new_branch> Switch to new branch
git checkout master
git merge <existing_branch>
Update main branch with branch's changes

Useful settings

Setting username and email for a single repository:

$ git config "your-git-user-name"
$ git config "[email protected]"

List global git parameters:

$ git config --global --list

Clear global username/email:

$ git config --global --unset-all
$ git config --global --unset-all
$ git config --global --unset-all gui.recentrepo
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