How to install Vivado 2023.2 on Linux - tomas-fryza/vhdl-course GitHub Wiki


  1. Install dependencies.

    # For correct installation
    sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev
    # For the tool
    sudo apt-get install libtinfo5
    # For the simulation
    sudo apt-get install build-essential libncurses5
  2. Download AMD Unified Installer for FPGA & Adaptive SoCs 2023.2: Linux Self Extracting Web Installer (BIN - 270.64 MB). You will need a free AMD (Xilinx) account to do so.

  3. Go to your Download folder and from right-click menu, select open terminal here. Check the MD5 sum to see if the installation file was downloaded correctly. If the checksum value is different, download the installation file again.

    md5sum FPGAs_AdaptiveSoCs_Unified_2023.2_1013_2256_Lin64.bin
    # Correct MD5 SUM Value is: b8c785d03b754766538d6cde1277c4f0
  4. Add execution permissions and run the installer.

    # Add execution permissions
    chmod +x ./FPGAs_AdaptiveSoCs_Unified_2023.2_1013_2256_Lin64.bin
    # Run the installer
    • Use your AMD (Xilinx) E-mail Address and Password for user authentication (same as you used to download the installer).

    • Select Download and Install Now.

    • Select Vivado product to install.

    • Select Vivado ML Standard edition to install.

    • Customize your installation be selecting Vivado Design Suite, Vitis Model Composer, and Artix-7 production devices.


    • Accept all license agreements.

    • Select the installation directory, such as: /home/your_login/bin/Xilinx or /opt/Xilinx (Admin privileges needed).


    • Click Next > button to download and install the tool. The installation process will take tens of minutes to complete.

  5. Open .bashrc file

    vim /home/your_login/.bashrc

    and add the following line at the end of the file.

    source /home/your_login/bin/Xilinx/Vivado/2023.2/

    Reload the shell script by

    source ~/.bashrc
  6. Run Vivado using terminal emulator (or Desktop shorcut) and follow instructions to create and simulate new project.


    Optionally set main properties in menu Tools > Settings...

    • Project > Start in directory: Home directory
    • Project > Target Language: VHDL
    • Source File > File Saving: Automatically save files
    • Text Editor > Code Completion: Display a list of choices on demand
    • Text Editor > Fonts and Colors > Name: Courier 10 Pitch, Size: 14

Nexys A7 board support

  1. Add board definition files. Download and extract Zip file and copy content of vivado-boards-master/new/board_files/ to your Vivado installation folder YOUR_VIVADO_LOCATION/2023.2/data/boards/board_files/.

    Note: You can also download the latest available version of your board during the new-project-creating in Vivado by button Refresh on Default Part dialog, followed by download icon in Status column.

  2. Install Linux cable driver. From Digilent Adept 2 software, download latest Linux 64-bit deb version of Runtime and Utilities.

    # Install both packages
    sudo dpkg -i ./digilent.adept.runtime_2.27.9-amd64.deb
    sudo dpkg -i ./digilent.adept.utilities_2.7.1-amd64.deb
    # If necessary, reboot Linux, or initialize the new udev rules file
    sudo udevadm control --reload-rules

    You can find detailed and useful information here.

  3. Add local user your-login to Linux group dip.

    sudo usermod -a -G dip your-login
  4. Run Vivado using terminal emulator (or Desktop shorcut) and follow instructions to program the Nexys A7 board.


  1. Run the shell script in /home/your_login/bin/Xilinx/.xinstall/Vivado_2023.2/ in un-installation mode.

    cd /home/your_login/bin/Xilinx/.xinstall/Vivado_2023.2/
    ./xsetup -Uninstall

    Follow the graphical un-installer. Once installation is completed remove unwanted libraries.

    sudo apt-get autoremove
  2. Remove line source /home/your_login/bin/Xilinx/Vivado/2023.2/ from your /home/your_login/.bashrc file.

Tested on

Version Result (yyyy-mm-dd) Note
Linux Mint 21.2 (Victoria) OK (2024-02-27) Office
Linux Mint 21.2 (Victoria) OK (2024-02-23) Laptop
# FYI: How to check OS version in Linux
cat /etc/os-release

# Or by Neofetch